“Don’t you worry Mr. Trump, you’re in good hands! I’ve got an interactive program on here about how to be an Ace Attorney, and it’s never steered me wrong. I tell ya, we’ve got this one in the bag!”
Death by a thousand cuts. People got used to the Boomer version of mass unemployment being big factories shutting and there being thousands of layoffs at a time, whole communities wiped out in one go, but the current mass unemployment era is this. Smaller workplaces closing all in different communities, not huge…
Where in fuck’s sake is This is America, by Childish Gambino?
pearl jam’s “jeremy” really should be in there somewhere. the first time i saw that one, it just stopped me in my tracks.
Where the fuck is Herbie Hancock’s Rockit?
listen i know the song and band im about to state are not widely known but kenna’s video for hell bent absolutely kills me
I know I’m greyed on AV Club so this likely won’t get seen but it needs to be said:
Glad to see ‘Sledgehammer’ at #1; back when MTV would do their ‘Top 100 Videos of All Time’ countdown marathons, that video was usually at or near the peak.
I’d have Thriller at #1, Take On Me and #2, and somewhere in there would be Just by Radiohead. But there can never be any definitive version of this kinda thing.
Fun fact Weird Al’s Smells Like Nirvana has the same janitor walking through the video, as Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Hot For Teacher is the greatest video of all time.
No Weird Al, Radiohead, Bjork, Gorillaz, Foo Fighters (Everlong), Johnny Cash (Hurt), Kylie Minogue, Robyn.
A few of these seem to be here because it was the first glimpse of an artist that would be huge and not necessarily because it’s an amazing music video (Baby One More Time)
I feel like this list weighted video popularity too heavily. The fact that there isn’t a single OK Go video on here serves as evidence.
Outkast Roses Video > Outkast Hey Ya Video
Disappointed that this video wasn’t on this list:
I’m surprised at the lack of any OK Go on this list.
Surprised not to see Daft Punk’s ‘One More Time’ (or anything off Discovery/Interstella 5555) on this list. That they made an entire rock Opera out of that album with icon Leiji Matsumoto deserves some recognition.
Not sure I would sound the alarm based on what happened to a company that was great when it was independent but was sold to a huge offshore conglomerate.