
They decided that the marginal utility they gained from working in a sweatshop is higher than the utility they gain from starving to death. Freedom!

Co-signed. So over guys who think flirting is a suggestion of sexual interest.

Being flirty is perfectly fine and harmless, who gives a shit

I mean they could always choose to starve to death, right? Right?????????????????

They could choose to starve instead! It’s still a choice!

Are you saying most guys in charge and their sycophants have a cognitive dissonance in order to justify what they do for a slightly better profit?

Facebook is not, the last I checked, bound by the first amendment. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a

The first amendment is a prohibition against government intervention against speech. It does not delve into private restriction of free speech. Thus, in the OP’s example wherein he would he use a bull horn in a Sander’s convention could (and has) been restricted. You’re in a private setting and those individuals

>Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux regularly post decent content

Dont let it amaze you. Republicans have worked steadily to defund education.

Jeez, didn’t you know free speech means I can say whatever I want and everyone has to listen! Pretty sure that’s what it means.

Free speech means the government doesn’t punish people for saying the “wrong” thing. Free speech does NOT mean that a private blog has to be unbiased, or have no opinions regarding a racist, classist buffoon who wants to be president of the United States.

Americans in general can’t handle the concept.

That makes no sense. Facebook is a corporation. According to conservatives, corporations have the same rights as individuals. Ergo, Facebook can say or censor whatever it wants.

and buddy, I’m Canadian. I know this about your system, why don’t you?

It still amazes me how many people don't understand the concept of free speech. You're a moron.

56 is DiMaggio’s hitting streak. 6-24 has nothing for me.

It’s a counterbalance to the never ending blowjob that ESPN has given him. I don’t take the point to be “Kobe was a league average player” as much as it was “Okay ESPN, settle down."

And also that whole thing about their assistant coach being the coach for a big chunk of the season. That to me is the most impressive part of the Warriors’ run this year (besides winning 73 games).

The main difference, for me, is that I despised the Bulls because I was way more into rooting for my team. And now, as a much more casual fan, the Warriors are too fun to root against.