“We’re curing this zombie plague...one bullet at a time.”
“We’re curing this zombie plague...one bullet at a time.”
people who think Sanders is Ordinary People are also stupid. However they back Sanders because his proposals will benefit Ordinary People while Bannon and Trump actually don’t give a shit about them.
So it’s a zombie slime rancher. I’m in.
Title is misleading... they didn’t get arrested for giving spoilers, they got arrested for making money off of content that wasn’t theirs. They didn’t tweet “lol _____ dies in the next issue”, they had been posting scans over the course of a year of mangas that hadn’t been released yet, and making tons of money off of…
No part of your youth died. I think it’s that as adults we come to certain realizations-
1) There are far more cars that are capable of being ‘supercars’ and now, we have a ‘hypercar’ genre. I mean, hell - we have an electric car that regularly dusts the shit out of Hellcats and GTRs.
2) Very few people have enough…
I think this could work, as long as the wight was able to sense the living enough to actuate the run/attack reflex. I’m not saying it won’t take a bit of research, but I think you’re on the right track.
I wonder whether the wight needs to be standing or if they can be laid down and still provide appropriate motion through the crankshaft. If they could be laid down, you would only need a box about 3 ft long and a foot or 2 high (not much bigger than a Model A hood) which could provide better weight distribution,…
If you are interested in hearing the stories behind games like Uncharted 4, Star Wars 1313, Shovel Knight, and Dragon…
Belief that is based on knowledge, understanding, and reason is not ‘belief.’ It’s actually knowledge, understanding, and reason. Belief that defies knowledge, understanding, and reason is simply stupidity.
There’s three things that could be going on.
They love hating people more than they love Jesus.
This is pretty cool, but it actually reminds me of the negative version of this. Namely, lazy developer tricks designed to cover shortcomings in enemy AI, or amp up battles unfairly, or keep you on rails. Invisible walls keeping you from taking shortcuts, enemies knowing your exact position and firing endlessly…
And in an angry nutshell, you’ve explained why we ought to tax carbon rather than legislate people’s choices.
one that will always know where you are,
I think the difference is that sports exist to fill a social and cultural niche, and that niche is already filled in all the places the NFL might export the game to so it’s not as though it’s a good to be exported really
The NFL could take a good look at Rome, or any large empire for that matter (cough cough, USA,cough). Over-expanding, greed, indolence, false sense of security - all of that makes you vulnerable. It’s why large entities that succeed are often the ones that are most agile and adjust on the fly: they foresee…
There’s no evidence at all that helmets can solve the CTE problem because it’s a matter of the brain hitting the inside of the skull, not the outside impact, so no normal sized helmet can provide enough padding (and that doesn’t address the myriad non-brain injuries). It might be that flag is the future.
It’s honestly a good question. It’s weird to think of the NFL as being vulnerable, as much money as it rakes in every year, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it ceases to be as we recognize it in the next decade either. It’s dangerous the way it is right now- and I’m not entirely sure there’s a good fix that allows the…