
Inductive charging is significantly slower than charging with a plug, but yeah they should be plugged in while loading and unloading.

+1 for bad decisions, divorce, and AmeriCone Dream

Loading docks could have inductive charging so the trucks get topped off while uploading. If they can charge in an hour, they should be able to get a full charge if dropping anything more than a few pallets. It would be seamless, no fuel stops.

(and here comes the Ayn Rand fanboy not realizing that the ordinary rules of supply and demand don’t apply in extraordinary situations.)

So I’m assuming that, for you, Jean Valjean is less a tragic figure and more a lowlife piece of shit who got what was coming to him?

You must have large, muscular forearms, what from pulling up so hard on those bootstraps of yours.

people who did not prepare, buy supplies in advance, or evacuate

That’s why Martin Shkreli is a personal hero of mine. He saw a market opportunity that would bear higher prices on pharmaceuticals and he capitalized on it —- people dying from complications from AIDS are desperate for life-saving drugs and they were paying a relatively small price for the privilege of having access

If you’re the owner of that supermarket, you’re covered by insurance and whatever goods those people don’t take are going to be a biological nightmare by the time you reopen the store. What, you thought they’d restock shelves with food that floated around in raw sewage?

I’d love a sequel though with other mythologies, and the remake with more titan options available.

Ugh yes please, loved Age of Mythology

They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Buckle down, work hard, and they can afford these prices in a crisis. It’s not like basic human rights are something handed out, like the media would lead you to believe. They need to be earned by those worthy of them. Instead you have these welfare riders

I really want an Age of Mythology remake.

When you start relying on private charities, underprivileged and minority areas will suffer. Simple as that. When you rely purely on market demand, poor people will be priced out of life saving supplies while rich people won’t think twice about it.

I’m all for strong capitalism, but in a crisis situation these things end up being a life or death situation. By jacking up the price the rich survive (like they always do) and the poor die. I don’t know how dire things are there, but I would have a problem if people ended up dying because they couldn’t afford gas

For the good folks in Houston, I sacrified a chicken to God and used its blood to draw a pentagra... oh wait, wrong God.

The only thing I really wished from Age of Empires was for the army formations to actually matter worth a damn. They went through all the trouble of making sure armies got into formations when you ordered them to march, but when it came time to actually fight, it made almost no difference what formation they were in

It would be awesome to get an Age of Mythology remake or sequel too.

Which one of you is the evil twin? Because, you know, if they’re the good twin you have nothing to worry about.

Yeah I got an identical twin that can unlock all my facial recognition stuff with his face so that alone makes all this stuff a no-go for me. they even gave me a Windows 10 PC for work that he can unlock. When our Microsoft rep told the engineers they said that shouldn’t be possible. I’m like “How is that not