
Oh sure, they put effort into this Netflix Lego adaptation

Plaintiff must realize he cannot treat well-settled law and undisputed facts like the women in his videos; they will not change simply because Plaintiff is persistent and impervious to their hostility.

There are quite a few self-cleaning stations near me that have pressure washers and different soap options. I remember only spending about five bucks. I’ve also cleaned up headlights on a car, I think the kits are usually around $20. If you clean your car regularly, or own other cars that you clean, you should already

Yeah, I raised an eyebrow at Turkey for that reason. I’d love to see their F1 track make a return as well, but some of the things that are happening under Erdogan make it an automatic no-thanks-for-now.

Overseas rounds from Europe where the teams are based are more expensive, and requires more funding from the organizer. There has been talking about a snow rally in Canada with government funding, but it doesn’t look like that will happen soon..

“And so castles made of sand return to sea eventually”

So...there was a galactic cataclysm that changed planets, wiped out species, and came with quality of life improvements?

VW: We’re bored. What other regulations can we cheat on?

“If we only use one VIN for all of our cars, then they can only sue us for cheating emissions on one vehicle dude!...”

What is interesting is we have very expensive viewing booths here at our print shop and often, customers end up going outside with the proof to look at it under sunlight.

New invention: color-changing cars that respond to outside lighting!

Did they have the champagne chilled prior to arrival and poured awaiting your entrance? Last time, mine was only slightly chilled and wasn’t even poured before I entered. The nerve.

Enjoy your star for making me look that up and confirming that yes, that is a real thing and a hell of a deep cut.

Which is ironic in its way, because this decision is as apolitical as decisions get. ESPN is not liberal, and it’s not conservative; it’s a massive company with no political beliefs beyond damage control. Someone had the idea of switching Lee off the UVa game not because they thought it would be offensive, but

The network that thought it was cool to air a draft that looked shockingly similar to a slave auction removes a broadcaster nobody’s heard of because of his similar name. This is much the same as curing a headache by breaking a finger—it completely misses the point and does nothing to address the original issue.

Don’t listen to the white bread responding to you, man. If someone is going to judge you for wanting to be comfortable on an airplane then that isn’t the sort of person I would want anything from (and is probably a douche-bro).

I get what you’re saying and I agree with you. And still, there’s a very sizable middle ground here. I’m talking about comfy jeans and a t-shirt.