
Imagine someone hacks this and it narrates this instead:

This confirms a theory a have about white people and I’m not even going to say ‘some’ white people. They are so full of themselves that they can’t fathom being told that they can’t do something or that some spaces aren’t targeted to them. They can’t stand that there can actually be spaces that weren’t created just.

White woman born and raised in a mostly white town near Chicago. So, sheltered and ignorant. Aware of my ignorance, biases, and bigotries, though not as a teen.


Perhaps somebody will suggest a Tesla Service Twitter account to Elon for people to send their minor requests and desires to that’s manged by anybody but the CEO.

This so much. He’s shown countless times that his erratic thoughts (or what passes for them in his tweets) don’t necessarily mean anything when compared to his actions. Sometimes they line up, but I think that’s by coincidence or rarely when someone else lines them up for him without his knowledge.

It’s amazing what a year of development can do. I certainly hope the industry learns from No Mans Sky and publishers stop forcing developers to release early and then patch it later. There have been a lot of lessons on “what not to do” with the shit show that was the NMS launch.

I was one of the people adamant against this game when it came out, but they really have improved it. If they had pushed back the release I think this could’ve been game of the year. The missions have structure, its rewarding to gain rep with factions and the graphics really do stand out.

If you were like me and

I know you’ve got a million responses to this already but I’m throwing in my anecdote:

“It sort of gave me a little bit of perspective, because technically I got grouped in with these people somehow,” Kjellberg said.

I got grouped in with these people somehow

And THIS time, he’s serious, you guys.

Bring a string, a pair of pliers and a battery-powered dental drill. Use the pliers to claim a tooth from each of your defeated opponents. Drill a hole through each tooth and thread them with the string to create a teeth necklace. Proudly wear your trophies. Believe in a smiling god.

Tattoo all the names of the people who have beat you and then get them removed through a painful procedure to make sure people know that you are coming for them and can take the pain. Creepiness is a great form of intimidation.

Bring a shirt with all the competitors names listed on it. Cross them off one by one as they fall. Will intimidate your next opponent.

Some very fine people on both sides

If you eat quinoa instead of rice you’re getting 1 extra gram of fiber, 3 extra grams of protein, and 6 fewer grams of carbs. Out of the 50-100 grams of protein you’re eating today, 3 grams is not going to make or break anything.

They got suspended for a month for not following government regulations.

Uber is at competition with Tesla as much as Greyhound is with Chevrolet. Nothing to see here. Just two morons desperate for attention they’ll never get.

Tried the vent method (after cutting half the onions and crying like a whiny little Brit) and I am delighted to say that directly under the extractor fan with it turned up to 5 did the trick. No more tears, madam I'm forever in your debt, you saved me an entire evening of anguish.