
thats pretty neat.. i read somewhere that they were offering 125 mile ranges as well which were from a 24kwh battery... so the 100 mile battery id assume is probably just shy of 20kwh. at 6.6kwh charge that’ll go 0-100% in like 3hours. or 16 miles in half an hour. not bad for a simple little around town car.

No no no, say it in an excited manner every time you say the name.

Ex: hey, i’ll drive, but you have to squeeze in the E-UP!

Just a reminder that while we don’t get the Up, we do get the Spark.

E Up.

Hopefully it gets introduced in the states with the E-Up! Yours financing plan.

That’s been done by Renault and didn't go that well as secondhand buyers don't take kindly to have to keep paying for the battery and so resale values are poor. Renault were supposed to replace the battery once its capacity fell below a certain point but in real life they did everything to avoid this and in some cases

The Up slots in well below the Golf - it’s two sizes down from it, with the Polo filling the gap.

Pretty sure the only thing wrong with it is we can’t buy it here.

If I had one I would always pronounce it YUP.

Now playing

The non electric version was sold in Australia for a few years but never took on. Unfortunatly as I think it was the most honest car VW currently has. A good honest basic car. Saw a lot in Tokyo. Japan even got the GTi version!

Watch Mighty Car Mods latest project

The Up! actually slots beneath the Polo in VW’s lineup, just to give an idea of scale. The Polo is about the size of a Honda Fit, whereas the Up! is around the size of a Fiat 500. 


155 miles ain’t bad for a strictly city only car. The Up! is also one of the only cheap(ish) cars nowadays that seems fun and happy instead of cheap and depressing.

Let’s be real, he’s a hyper miler, he didn’t “nail the brakes,” as the brakes just turn useful kinetic energy into heat, which is waste. He coasted down to some speed in advance of the traffic, then held that speed, likely refusing to go faster than it even if a pulse in the traffic would provide enough gap to do so.

Safe driving is all about being predictable and consistent. If other drivers are surprised by your actions, then you’re doing something wrong. That ranges from simple things like signaling turns and lane changes up to more complex or counterintuitive ones like exceeding the speed limit to match the flow of traffic.

There’s a difference between that and what this person described, which was nailing the brakes without surrounding traffic having begun to slow in the hopes that by the time you creep there, the stoppage is clear.

The single seat Metro does kind of kick ass though.

I’ve seen people in their go-go electric mobility carts going down the highways here.

Is cruising slow in stop-and-go traffic to absorb the shockwaves a dick move now? That’s how I drive, as well as people in manual cars, and after about 10 minutes people will catch on and everything’s moving better 

going just above the minimum speed limit.