
Today I learned: There is a RAV-4 TRD.

I purchased an AWD 2020 Prius recently and it drives very nicely in the snow. My spouse just last week leased a 2021 Rav4 Hybrid. It will be interesting to see how similar/different they are to each other in the snow.

Ah, I see you want the GRMN Prius Prime with 300 hp

More proof that a racecar version of any car is cool.

the Prius is awesome its basically full/mid sized interior with a compact exterior and it is very lightweight for it’s size. 2012 horsepower would be a hoot especially getting 40+ mpgs 

I think I would want it to hit a little over 250 HP before I would swap out my WRX for Prius TRD.

No kidding, fun reliable hatchback? I'd even this wrap (or at least the red/orange stripes).

Yea a gazzo Prius would get no objections from me either. As fun as a GTi and Si while still getting 40-50mpg? Winner winner chicken dinner.

I’d buy it. And I mean that in a way that I would literally drive my current car to a Toyota dealership and sign papers tonight for a proper GRMN or whatever Prius. 212hp and AWD in something that size would be an absolute blast.

Building a rally machine from a showroom car that isn’t a Subaru can be a pain in the ass.

Honestly, when you consider that the Prius has one of the most aerodynamic bodies of any production car, a performance version isn’t the craziest idea. The biggest hurdle would just be the general public’s inability to wrap their head around it.

The Prius C makes more “sense” for a rally conversion, but part of me is happy they did this to the normal Prius we all know and tolerate.

the rear gets parts from the Avalon-TRD

The news report I saw this morning said that the troopers told the doctor at the hospital where Greene’s body was taken that he died instantly in a car crash. The doctor, in his report, noted that this is did not, in fact, add up because there were taser prongs embedded in Greene’s back. Also, Greene’s car did not

This is precisely why we say all cops are bastards. These police murdered a man, lied about it, and they’re superiors did absolutely everything they could to cover it up.

It’s shiny and brown.

First Gear: May 11, 2021. Toyota in horrible shape, doesn’t have EVs.
First Gear: May 12, 2021. Toyota in great shape making money like mad.

5th Gear: The only way to reduce congestion is to remove cars. Where I live, the Boston area, is a perfect demonstration of this: Decades of road projects haven’t achieved a fucking thing in making it less congested.

First Gear: One of the reasons Toyota is doing well is because they learned from previous natural disasters and stockpiled resources like chips. It might be a lesson for other companies - the company that pioneered just-in-time logistics planned ahead and stockpiled parts so it wouldn’t be at the mercy of just-in-time