That offends me!

I believe that Bill Clinton raped her. I don’t believe that he went home, told his wife since he’s running for governor they should probably deal with all the women he’s raped and suggest Hillary intimate them. Much more plausible is Hillary was told it was a consensual relationship and if this exchange took place, it

A lot of people on Jezebel love to criticize me for not being an avid Hillary supporter. I will vote for her because she isn't Trump, that doesn't mean she was my first choice. But the reason I don't trust her is that she always seemed willing to let other women's lives be destroyed by her husband so she could advance

He was married to a black woman, so unless he was living out some weird slaver fantasy, he’s not a conventional racist. I’d agree that he doesn’t “get” institutional racism, but he’s...well...complicated.

He was married to a black woman, so unless he was living out some weird slaver fantasy, he’s not a conventional racist. I’d agree that he doesn’t “get” institutional racism, but he’s...well...complicated. I just can’t wrap my head around this guy. Sometimes he seems racist, sometimes not. I think he’s probably decent

I wish it was my bedtime. I work midnights.

Far be it from me to defend Third Eye Blind, as they’re still a garbage band with an asshole lead singer, but apparently it was a charity thing they were playing.

Jesus Christ, people are still bitching about Idiocracy. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here waiting for the Gawkerverse to acknowledge the deaths of at least 85 Syrian civilians by drone strike. There couldn’t be any better illustration of why Judge’s “fuck ‘em all” philosophy is kind of necessary right now.

I agreed with you until this line:

That is not socialism. It is a list of public services. The two are not synonymous.

This is so fucking stupid.

You can argue he’s a better hitter than rose was, but he is not the “Hit King” until he has the most hits in MLB history

Leitch himself said that Deadspin wouldn’t exist without Simmons

Bill Simmons is good. He has earned a reputation as someone who can recognize and empower talent. He has a good sense of where the market for sports media is, to his credit. People give him some shit for the writing that he actually does himself, but I thought it was good for a long time.. until maybe just a few years

I’m not sure I can sustain my outrage at seeing this in the news, because it’s the least offensive thing I’ve ever seen on Barstool

Anyone that has read Barstool or has grazed through the comment section will see that she’s just pandering to the audience. The founder of the company is a Jew and the majority of jokes towards him relate to him being Jewish. If she wasn’t an established reporter, you wouldn’t even be talking about this, it literally

I’m no doctor, but I’d advise you not to let yourself get hit in the head on a daily basis the next 15 years. That and lay of the cocaine, HGH, PCP,steroids, and horse tranquilizers.

Usually, a picture’s worth a thousand words, but the one at the top of the story sums it all up in only three: That’s a shocker.

What I guess I meant was, the tone of this article was similar to the “who is funding the Gawker lawsuit” and it just sounded like you have some suspicions of strange dealings. I think Simmons is a wiener, personally, but he puts good content together and I don't personally care how it's getting funded

Pardon my ignorance, but this condescending non-answer still doesn’t inform me, average internet Joe, why I should give a shit about who’s backing the site.