That offends me!

Poor guy. Congratulations to him and his players for doing well. The way he cracks at the end and then gets a handle on it is fascinating to me. People mourn and carry grief in a variety of ways, obviously he’s continued to live a successful professional existence after the tragedy, which suggests he figured a way to

Really? Calling out an *alleged pimp is racist? Is he black? Thought so. Now perhaps it’s not *funny - to you - and that’s all good. But racist? Nah, you lost me there, pal.


And it gets worse. Because of some arcane rule in the books, the NCAA is in the process of blocking his transfer to Heaven.

That’s on you buddy. Are you going to smoke weed with her when she turns 16 “so no one else introduces it to her first” too?

She’s 2. If, at age 13, she wants a tattoo, then as long as it’s aesthetically pleasant and in a part of the body that won’t stretch the image and cause her to hate it forever as a result, game on. I’ll drive her myself.

the fresh water fishing bit is gold, I must admit

Yeah, all those top executives with full sleeves and neck tattoos are really proving him wrong.

You’re right. A full academic ride and an engineering position.

All I know is that I have made it my entire life with out stealing a car, running from the police, crashing a car into a body of water or killing other people. So there is that. I think people like you are the reason so many people are allowed to win the stupid prize.

Neither does using heroin at age 15 but it implies a lot.

if they were male they would of at least avoided the pond.. bet you werent expecting a sexist comment

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

“Nothing you can do that can’t be done” - All You Need Is Love by The Beatles

It's not about them running. It's their criminal records at such a young age. The world lost nothing with their deaths.

They didn’ du nuthin!

I don’t think it was your point and it shouldn’t be. He was a bad CEO. There are worse crimes in life. He is also probably a nice guy. Intolerant of people not like him because he can’t find the ability to empathize? Sure. But we all know nice people with this (albeit serious, I think) character flaw.

Who cares if he treated employees well. He doesn’t want men in the women’s bathroom so he is scum and should die. The end.

I’ll take things that don’t matter for $2000, Alex.