
My mom fell for one just this year. Fortunately she texted me the gift cards she meant to send to her “Lifetime Christmas movie actor boyfriend” and we were able to intervene.

Nah you don’t sound mean at all. Maybe English mean, but not mean-mean

Lol throwing liberal out there like that shields you from looking like a fash Boomer dork for using “woke”

Entertainment is different because thousands of talented and qualified hopefuls are competing for jobs that get handed to nepo kids who are mostly rich kids and spoiled talentless brats.

No touching!!

I like to think people were intimidated into giving him what he wanted bc they saw the creepy torture chair scene in Star 80

Fuck yeah, she beat the shit out of Evan Peters. She seems unpleasant.

Yeah, but Joe Hill has been *coasting* on the distinction of being the voodoo doll kid in Creepshow. You can write your own ticket after that.

Was your uncle on Father Ted????

Entertainment is probably the most nepo-loaded industry out there. It’s not just acting; everything from union stagehands, to production office work, to camera and electrical. I personally lost a few editing jobs to the editing house owner’s kids.

This was cool; I will like Marc Singer forever thanks to Beastmaster and V, but some of the other roles you covered were nice little touch-ups on liking him.

They’re *all* like that, too

I hope you’re being paid to say that shit

I’m enjoying this season, flaws and all. But I take a more critical view when writers are doing 3 things: aliens, God/Satan/gods/demons, and superhumanly smart people. Those character archetypes are only interesting if the writer handling them is smart or creative enough to make them plausible as superior beings.

Brave and the Bold was fucking fantastic!

AKA the entirety of Bob Kane’s career. What a fucking thieving con artist piece of shit Bob Kane was.

She was really good in Lovecraft Country. She didn’t have a whiff of reality show stench on her, I had no idea!

Honestly, when Hank gets all hopped up on caffeine, his Bat is undeniably effective. Give him a large mocha every few hours and he’d be at least as good as the yo-yo superheroes they meet in New York.

I’m inclined to agree, based solely on the fact that Batman Beyond came about bc the suits wanted to sell toys, and set some stupid limitations. That show ended up being fucking outstanding. Sometimes artists make their best work with limitations

Emma Stone looks like she’s on her way to teach a very fashionable judo class