
I have no doubt that that starfucker Lorne Michaels has yukked it up with Kissinger at a cocktail party or two.


It’s horrific

Welcome to US “mainstream” politics 2023. I don’t think most regular people are even close to this fascist Zionist’s level of unhinged, but they sure seem willing to let it happen.

No lol this is a rich limousine liberal/Democrat (I’m not a conservative lol) so the self-awareness is gone from her mind. The US democrats are largely hard right with a healthy portion of support for police state fascism.

All of what you said is right, except I think it’s a lot LOT more than 6000 Palestinian children murdered by the state of Israel. But I don’t interject to undercut your point, just bolster it.


That’s a good one. Possibly Renny Harlin’s only truly good movie.

Lethal Weapon feels much more explicitly Christmas-y, especially since they have cops singing carols in the station and Tom Atkins drinking nog and getting killed with it in a very memorable way. Plus all the Looney Tunes Christmas special footage. And Gary Busey’s hilarious tantrum towards the end.

Excellent theory. I’m gonna use this one, thank you!

I think it could be taken semi-literally. Snyder really seems better suited to still photography. He makes cool recreations of comic panels, but once the image starts moving, and the characters start talking, he loses the thread.

That makes sense.

It’s possible. My experience with other regional chip brands has been unimpressive lol.


You don’t want to know how long most ALDI and Trader Joe’s produce has been held before it goes out on their shelves.

This is the actual correct answer. Even if the loser Big Ag farm owners bother to put a Porta Potty out, it’s too far and the quotas are too high. The workers don’t have time, even moving at the speed of light like they do.

Just cure all fruits in Prague Powder, sugar, and salt, then smoke them like bacon or ham.

Lol the Trader Joe’s cult behavior that normies exhibit is so weird.

I can’t imagine Snyder doing any more damage to Marvel than they have done to themselves.

I could see all of this being a thing. Jenna Ortega has been vocally pro-Palestine on social media and hasn’t been fired, so “it all comes down to money” yet again.