
It’s Indiana, so they’re likely getting trashed on Old Mil in a field with a bonfire going.

How Lorne Michaels ever had a hand in the Kids in the Hall, when SNL is his life’s work, I’ll never know.

Tarantino’s not a hired hand. He’s more of a jukebox/mixtape/playlist copycat filmmaker, just one who has an ear for dialogue. Too bad he looks for opportunities to jam the n-word into that dialogue. That’s probably the real reason why he won’t make a Marvel movie, that and Marvel doesn’t present chances to address

There’s always Kinja...


No, no, no, Leto isn’t method actor, he’s a pedophile fuck. He’s worthy of slaps and much more.


Chris Brown is a truly nasty human. I think he should be “cancelled” and properly punished for his numerous acts of violence to women, including punching Rihanna’s head through a Lamborghini window.

I prefer the VSE of Fambly Ties where Tom Hanks drank vanilla extract to get the alcohol. They made a sly reference to it on the WNUF Halloween Special, it was hilarious but very quick

Honestly, it wouldn’t have mattered what they show was about. Those losers get pissy any time there’s a female lead in a superhero show or movie.

Maybe stop paying attention to him and reporting on him? Monitor and surveil him to shut his antisemitism down, but just stop giving him fuel. Nazis are so pathetic and desperate for more power that they’re even using him to further their fucking antisemitism. Just stop talking about him

Yes. I’m as much of an expert as anyone; I’m mentally ill and several of my immediate family members are too. Or were, in a few cases, because they died as the result of their illness. I’ve been hospitalized. I’ve done group therapy, with some intensely disturbed people.

Fuck this smarmy jerk; just get Elvira/Cassandra Peterson’s memoir. She’s a MUCH better human being, did more interesting stuff, and still dishes on celebrities in a classy way.

The horrible shit he’s said and done has had the effect that it’s had on millions of people. Millions of people’s lives are worse because he’s a fucking bigot. Synagogues and private citizens are demonstrably being terrorized as the result of his antisemitism. The LA Nazi banner drop is because of him.

He’s kind of the reason I’m not excited about this movie

Crossfit, say no more

As a four-time mental illness winner, whose life has fallen apart countless times, I can honestly say: who fucking cares?

Garth Ennis HATES superheroes lol. He has Punisher do some truly horrible shit to Daredevil iirc

Yeah thanks, Tex

Gunn is possibly the best choice to satisfy all parties involved; he’s made $$$ for the suits, told stories for the fans, used obscure characters correctly for the nerds, and wrote good parts for the stars.