
UTZ, Snyder’s of Hanover, the soft pretzels, the cheeses, ice cream, and chocolate milk are better thanks to Amish dairy.

Actually, Zack Snyder himself wrote that very headline.

“He loved being around Blacks”

Yeah, that’s because “rich people bad” and I’m not sure the “poor people good” gets pushed as hard. I’m poor, I work with poors, middles, and upper-middles. People being shitty is a given, it’s how much damage they can do that’s important.

I’ll trot out my Lodge 49 non-story: I work at a grocery store close to a studio in LA, and it happens to be Brent Jennings’ local grocery store. I make sure to be the one to help him so I can jibber-jabber about Lodge 49, as well as his many many movie roles (turns out Bill Pullman is a good dude). So Brent and I are

I’m glad that I’m not the only one saying it

The avant garde (wedding) DJ of filmmakers.


That’s more or less where I am, except I deeply dislike both the Zombie movies. His sensibilities are more in line with a remake of a shitty 70s or 80s exploitation movie, where the characters are supposed to be awful and utterly depraved. It’s like a meth binge became sentient and remade a classic.

I honestly like Halloween 2018. It’s not, like, a transcendent dazzlement of the senses, it’s not ultra original, but it delivers, it’s well-made, it’s a good sequel. Fucking way better than Halloween 5, 6, and 8.

A lot of assholes in charge are clearly not taking this crisis seriously. Whether it’s on purpose or not would be the question.

This is part of the plan.

Empathy is an excellent characteristic, and one that needs to be fostered and recognized as a strength, not a weakness. But that does not apply to Nazis.

Holy FUCK they’re still giving Ed Burns jobs??? I guess there’s an evergreen market for laid-back douchey selfish womanizers who won’t shut up about being Irish, and like from New York or whatever. Oh, and their crazy Irish families, who did we mention, are Irish.

What’s wrong with Spider-Woman? Is she not available?

This will be my last thought, because I can’t make it clearer:

Well it hasn’t been working out too well so far. So, a flat “no”

Yep. Too many people covered for them and agreed with them. When they get pushback on this, like when they get pushback on anything, they fall apart or distort reality and history to claim the victim role.

If “erred”=”saying something racist” then yeah people are going to be harsh, because racists doing and saying racist shit don’t deserve coddling of crybaby feelings.

Unbaffling bigot.