
I wonder if Spacey can have witnesses and victims assassinated as easily in the UK?

Ok, at least my haircuts are taken care of.

Truly, this introduces *good* into the world!

They should have made a Crass show instead. Those are good people who did cool shit, like spend all of their earnings from gigs on feeding the town’s homeless, and they helped other bands get their music out.

Greedy putz.

Classic Guillermo Del Toro-style overloading the sandbox. I am NOT comparing their talent levels, just greedy gobbling up of projects that can never get done, due to said overloading. Captain Lens Flare can kick rocks all the way to Spielberg clone retirement.

That’s a legitimate concern, to be sure. I think one of the systems I researched was a form of distillation, and the brine was addressed. But as I said, these matters can be addressed with adequate funding for R&D. Essentially, if the people made it a pressing concern, the economics of the solution don’t have to be

And the overarching message of Jaws 3-D is: cocaine and shark movies can be a losing combination.

I’ve read about 2 or 3 economically feasible, wastewater efficient, new desalination methods that California could easily afford to build. There’s tons of development in this field, as science can be agile and optimally adapted for crisis abatement, as long as money is no object.

Yeah, the book was much seedier! I read it once in 7th grade, but I was reading Stephen King then, so the beach-book depravity stood out to me less.

Just throwing this out there: PJ Byrne, the actor from The Boys mentioned above, is in a more comedic animated DC show called Justice League Action, which has a bunch of comedy ringers like Patton Oswalt, Jessica Walter, Dana Snyder, Hannibal Buress, and Gillian Jacobs.

Please; as I said, you’re nothing to me. I’m not stooping to threaten some random racist bench warmer on the message system of a failing group of culture blogs.

The Amity mayor and chamber of commerce were the real villains of Jaws. Jaws was just Jaws-ing, just sharking around, and the rich and powerful threw townies and tourists alike at the problem.

But there’s so much money to be made, validating a small number of bigots’ feelings. That’s a real business model these days.

Phew I hadn’t heard about Walmart doing something evil like stealing more wages from their workers, in a while! I got worried that the rich vermin known as the Waltons were ok, living lavishly off the surplus value of their workers labor, in their many many mansions.

Musk “invented” a crowbar like that, but he actually just let a team of underpaid engineers do it, rushed them through R&D, blustered his way through QA, slapped his name on it, then used it as a PR stunt at a conference.


Poor strategy, and shopworn as fuck. Post-ironic racism is still racism. Hiding behind anonymity only lets you escape consequence, and even that’s not close to guaranteed.


He’s long gone. I would bet that Jay Johnston has effectively killed his career in mainstream comedy.