
I want to believe that but this show has been ending for like 4 years

I wish this style of entertainment reporting would come back. And bring back the use of “boffo”

They made a movie about this exact thing:

Wait, are people being salty to Taylor Hawkins, who seems to have only done good in this world? Or are they salty at Paul McCartney, who I have less good feelings about?

I’d rather see a show about Crass. They had MI6 and the CIA (or maybe Secret Service) investigating them for basically a mixtape of Thatcher and Reagan. They gave whole show’s profits to unhoused people. They were real deal.

Hahaha, so I read that Miller had a moment of clarity, and has supposedly renounced his lunatic reactionary ways and blamed them all on his alcoholism...I’m sure that clears up every issue and problem people have with him.

Haha, no, we’re on the same page, compadre. I just wanted to dunk on them some more lol

Antivaxxers are all one flavor to me: shit

Just gonna go ahead and speculate: if Dastmalchian’s Polka Dot Man isn’t that third DC project James Gunn is working on, it should be. That origin story is very promising.

Fuck, Carrey’s like a classic-flavor antivax, I forgot about that.

I love MST3K dearly, but I think RiffTrax is a better fit for me. Munchie and Doctor Mordrid sound like great riffs, I just feel like Mike, Kevin, Bill, Mary Jo, and Brigitte kinda have it more dialed in. I honestly think that the “...Of The Bride” series Mary Jo and Brigitte did this last year stands tall with the

Careful now!


Pete Davidson may just have not wanted to go. I wouldn’t want to go anywhere with Bezos’s name attached to any part of the experience. But Pete might just be scared of flying to space. Or being put in yet another PR situation, on top of this stupid relationship thing.

Regina King is too cool for that bullshit. But I guess that’s how success goes.

Wait, seriously?! That’s so LAME! The broiler was actually a cool piece of technology, and it legit gave the burgers a char flavor (as opposed to an added grill flavor).

HypnoHelioStaticStasis was more my jam, but I do enjoy Deeeeeep Hurrrrting.

I saw that piece of shit opening weekend with my late father. It was bewildering how stupid this was, even to preteen me.

Lol I wore that stuff in the late 90s when post-punk hipsters were dressing like effete 70's lounge lizards. Polyester is comfortable, provided you don’t: do anything, go anywhere with humidity, or like perspiring at all.