
I’m sorry, but that’s bullshit. Dafoe basically came back for free to ham it up in the sequel cameos, he was having so much fun. “Slumming” for Willem Dafoe would be Speed 2 and Boondock Saints.

Everybody’s stupid. At least every nation has stupid people, and some of those stupid people even get put in charge.

One thing is for sure (mild spoilers):

Can Seyfried do the voice tho?

Yeah, if you like Archer, check it out!

Have you seen the Xtacles?

Basically, I am against the hierarchical aspect of management. Every reply I have defending management has also conceded that it’s a mixed bag. When it comes to job enjoyment (something that seems pretty damn important to workers these days, it’s been in the news a lot), a few bad managers can make all of the

Good Lord, no! Ready Player One easily takes that title, with Crystal Skull nipping at RPO’s heels.

Like, you banged to the Zoom call of 900 people getting fired? Or someone read this article while you banged? Did you get a speech to text going while you did the wild thing?

Fixed that. Managers RARELY accomplish anything original or useful. My 30+ years of experience and research (academic research not YouTube) is that management mostly exists to justify their job in the face of workers and “underlings” doing all of the real work.

You’re damn right! The difference is stunning.

Being high didn’t help as much as you would think...but I did enjoy the Snyder Cut, when I *really* didn’t want to.

That makes me think of one of my favorite MST3K/Rifftrax running bits where they take a character trait and plug it into this to denote frustration: “That really ______ my _______!”

I love The Office, but I fully admit to using it like a narcotic. And it isn’t like the greatest show, nor even the greatest sitcom.

The Edge is so crazy! I never saw it, but looking at the cast list, it’s such a mish mash!

Fuck the rich.

I didn’t love the suit, and I *hated* the first DD mask at the end of season 1/beginning of season 2, but I kinda dug the replacement mask. It really had the look of a beautiful avenging angel, like a statue from an extra ornately decorated Catholic church.

Of course! The power covers their hideous, twisted souls’ ambitions.

Great. Fine. You beat me to it, so...FINE.

I’m on your team. You get the fucking assignment.