

You’re likely right. It’s astounding how pathetically eager not-rich people are to defend the rich; it’s so weak and undignified.

“Satan, laughing, spreads his wings...”


A-thank you! I gotta watch the Halloween special again

lol she’s just the latest rotating villain for the democrats, and a kind of pathetic (but effective) one at that. She will be cast aside by the DNC soon enough. Then she will presumably roll around on piles of cash while pretending she doesn’t miss her soul.

Sexy damn Freddy Krueger...

lol Manchin hasn’t “forced” the democrats to do *shit*. They’re beholden to the same rich fuck donors as the republicans, so Manchin and Sinema’s function is to be the rotating villains. They serve as the (well-paid) heels of the democratic party, shutting down “progressive” legislation, that most corporate dems and

Turns out, leadership at Netflix is making some stupid fucking choices these days.

Jason Miller, case in point.

Is the steak (?) in the bottom right corner supposed to look weak, grey, and greasy? Is it a cut of fish and not a steak? I’m lost...

Investigations into who stole Troyer’s jawline are still ongoing.

Another win for truth and justice in the US court system...

No, yeah, war criminal works.

Fuck that, the GOP, and Nazis in general, live in a fake version of the past. They either believe that the past was the best with all of their stupid and corrupt hearts, or they cynically exploit that feeling for money and power.

More like a DNC that is terminally addicted to picking the worst people for every position that matters. It seems as though they pick their candidates and DNC leadership solely based on whose “turn” it is, rather than who is best suited to the job.

Once again, stupid motherfuckers run their mouths about “free speech” with NO understanding of the concept. If someone says some offensive shit, and the public rejects that stupid shit, that’s still free speech.

What’s so big about Chubby Cox? I hate Chubby Cox! I wouldn’t touch Chubby Cox with a 10 inch pole!


They made a Batman movie?!? I should look into that.