
Fair enough, but I still like their spin on stuff.

Disagree but respect your opinion. Bring back The Splinter and we will talk about who’s more leftist, but this is it for now on G/O or whatever.

I’m with it, but everyone acts like they expected something else? Are they lost? Deadspin’s a few titles over.

I’m fine with it, just stop shushing with the same dumb phrase like a scolding fucking parent. I get plenty of other takes from regular jackoff news sites and channels (centrist wind tunnels)

No just go somewhere else. The exact phrase “bad take” gets reused a ton, and it’s boring. This is what they’re writing. The “bad take” comments aren’t even good criticisms, it’s just some version of “check your tone” when y’all don’t have to keep reading.

No I confuse Bomer with Cavill more often, or at least I did before Doom Patrol.

tHiS iS a bAd tAkE.

Well a (probably) human baby, and two human-shaped Nazi trash bags. I would posit, in the case of Stephen and Katie Miller, there IS a wrong way to make a family.

It’s kinda true. In BTAS he was really well trained and good at Batmanning, but to keep up with Superman and Green Lantern, they quietly upgraded Batman to not look dumb fighting Darkseid and god-level antagonists.

I agree 100%. Now I’m about to find a way to watch the stupid inauguration live.

The comments are fairly satisfying.

Oh I like her! Smart and foul mouthed works for me!


They probably did, they just looked at the other 98+ Guardsmen, said some thing like, “You know what, you seem like an okay guy. Get outta here, go get some pizza” and tousled their hair like Dennis the Menace or some shit.

All this FBI screening bullshit is the equivalent of jumping up and sweeping awkwardly when the boss catches you napping. They’re just watching us (instead of the floor they’re sweeping) to see when we aren’t looking.

All true. I was more thinking of his statement about letting DOJ be its’ own entity, and let the AG make his own decisions. I doubt that will be true at all, but I expect he will want to tip Garland in the direction of light sentences and dragging out investigations and hearings, so ppl will get bored and move on.

If Biden and the dems try to backpedal on punishing sedition, insurrection, and a violent coup, this country is over. There will still be the US, but it will be more broken than Egypt, Rome, the Ottoman Empire, France, England, Germany, and post-USSR Russia put together.

Yeah, but it helps to have all of this in one place. We can point people to this in case they need a quick, accessible source of info to counter the pro-cop brainwashing they have, or someone they know has.

The performative recoil to the Insurrection and GOP, from “captains of industry” has been alternately amusing and maddening. Charles Johnson, Koch, Steve Schwarzman, Chevron, Chamber of Commerce, Ken Langone, all sweatily insisting they disavow the Coup, and don’t even know who Trump nor the GOP are.

Performative national security...