
Fanta is owned by Coke, which is its’ own kinda bad, but Fanta was started by Coke to sell soda to Nazi Germany during a wartime blockade. I think it’s popular with MAGA chuds for this reason, but idk.


Nah, I’m good.

(gum chew, gum chew, gum chew)

I’m really not trying to do a whole conspiracy thing, but doesn’t his suicide seem weirdly timed? It’s tragic, and it may just have been brewing in him for a while. I 100% know about that from first hand experience. Stress is through the roof these days for most people, and a hostile public does not help me with my

The smartest thing WB could do is keep the barriers fluid between universes. Like, hints and subtle tips of the hat to other heroes and DC characters, while focusing first on the character’s individual story, and getting the audience connected with them. Then, gradually weave the stories together, culminating in a

Amazon, Apple, Google, and any other large platform booting Parler (which I approve) is not heroic nor “patriotic” if it’s *after* the damage is done. They could have said “no” long before.

First Amendment Protests” ...sneaky motherfuckers. I’ve been fuming about this all morning, and furious about the MAGA Nazi Insurrection all week. I don’t know when I’ve been this angry. Well, ok, every police brutality report, but damn.

Well, she wasn’t using her Glock to protect her coworkers. Since that’s the ultra-right ammosexual’s #1 power fantasy, I’m guessing she was in on it. And thank you for that screen grab!

In the first pictures they got of her a week ago at McDs, she was clearly driving herself, and drove past the cops in front of her house. She got arrested for a DUI and driving on a suspended in October 2020.

I tried to follow her, but I haven’t gotten a response! Is she busy rn or...?

I’d think elected leaders being not-alived on live TV would send a pretty bad message, but I take your point.

Not a lot of incentive for us to have watched...

Won’t Kamala be physically present there, along with Pelosi?

All true, but are these Nazi morons thinking in rational terms? BC they had all kinds of military vets, CEOs, like successful people and community leaders, and the best they did with months to plan was “run up there and shit all over the floors then comically get tased in the balls”

I was going to say, the LEO Fifth Columnists for Trump are likely embedded somewhere in the security staff for the inauguration.

...I’m not excited about the 20th. These bamas are hornet-rattled mad and they are gonna try some shit.

Immortals is fun, but it gets stupid hard later on. Rather, the Vaults of Tartaros get stupid hard, at least to me. You don’t need them all but the stamina helps.

Including the one and only Donald J Trump!