
It’s a side effect of some medication the art park was taking, it’s all better now.

I don’t follow you.

I wasn’t in the Where’s Waldo target market, but I spent a good 30 seconds (10 minutes in pre-covid times) looking for Lizzo’s facetuned nipple on a building or like on the sun.


That Trump, or any other billionaire (real or not, proxy or not) is considered a legitimate candidate, is proof of just how dark and corrupt our system is.

Definitely. The Feinstein stuff is on “I Blow Minds For A Living”

If I had to guess, it would be some bullshit compromise cooked up by the risk-averse conservatives running the DNC. The ones who always push for status quo policies and strategies, because positive change and obeying the will of the people will screw up whichever election or midterm is next.

I honestly don’t know, you might be right. Term and age limits for SCOTUS do sound about right. That is such a fucking stupid setup, it’s practically part of a monarchic system from the 1600s.

lol I’m surprised they didn’t circle back to McG, and his stellar “Superman: Flyby” idea.

But Alan Taylor directed Game Of Thrones, and when did that ever go wrong?

Eh, the age thing would be discrimination. I’m not against the elderly having a say in society. I’m just against any group or person having the only say that matters.

Jello Biafra has described her regime in SF pretty thoroughly. Feinstein is a Thatcher-esque copsucker who probably literally bought her democrat title. Even centrist dems should be embarrassed by her record.

It’s not nihilism, that’s a destructive belief in nothing. It’s realism, because I have eyes and a working memory of the last 20 years, and ability to read history of the last 50 years.

Dumb answer, but good luck.

Well, I can’t come up with many many examples of giving republicans any benefit of the doubt blowing up in people’s faces, and horrifically injuring innocent bystanders.

Yup, look at her eyes. Unhinged.

There’s the extreme lack of pushback from Sasse against his republican colleague’s gerrymandering and voter suppression. I wouldn’t even know how to Google that. But feel free to search in those terms, you’ll see zero examples of him firing shots against the well-known anti-democratic practices employed by his party.

Not really. Look harder.

Hey if these homebrew and semi-pro buildups work, cool! The pro versions of the launcher and powered ascender are clunky and boring, but they work.

British Knights or I’m out.