
Is it not possible to charge him with treason already? What the hell are those rich idiots in Congress doing? Aren’t they a damn check and balance, or does that not apply when tiptoeing your way to majority, *maybe*, all the way in January. Meanwhile this motherfucker is out here, right *now*, making shit as hard as

Abigail Fisher: Aggressive Averageness and White Entitlement’s red-headed step child.

Only when you factor in that Trump actually HAS to pay his lawyers, as opposed to all of his other employees.

Nah, shit people were always shit people. The money and power just lets them be that way on the outside. That’s why I directly hate money and power.

The Somali or Ethiopian population is new; I’ve been gone for more than a decade. I want to be impressed, but I mostly am ony impressed with the Somali and/or Ethiopians for pulling up.


Fun killed my brother when they worked together in a warehouse. Fun liked to start fires, and he let one burn too long while my brother was loading a pallet of flash paper and oily rags. My brother went up like a piece of dry kindling, what with his high phosphorous diet, and homemade cologne made out of gasoline.

How it started isn’t as important as just ending the fucking thing. I know there are reasonable, logical, smart people who like this franchise. I respect them all the same, and I have def gone to the mat for some shit-ass shows in my day. But the show’s not good, kind of wasn’t from the jump, and the spin-offs just


Oh no, Rochester is solidly Oakland, with all the Oakland foolishness. The rich people country “township” that broke away from Rochester, to get away from us poors, is even Oakland Township. Plus, Oakland University. I won’t be letting them off the hook.

Yeah, because of Barry.


He can fix it! With time travel!

Make sure Trump, Barr, and Miller get their VIP spots in front of the wall.

As usual, you took the words out of my mouth.

He wears a diaper, in large part, because the Adderall agitates his incontinence. Whichever person from The Apprentice blew the lid off of that, and all Trump’s weird walking posture shots have backed it up.

Yeah that is just a scam dictators pull to look holier as if they were above the masses. I don’t know if it was a consistent con a lot of dictators and autocrats have done, or if there’s a name for it other than “propaganda.

No, you face the melting naked Nosferatu Giuliani. We all must.

I will enjoy seeing the unemotional, non-response Barrett gives when she gets impeached.

With people like this scurrying around, I try not to think about that.