
Fuck, that never occurred to me! Obviously, most republicans are aimless and profoundly stupid cowards, out of money and power. You get your McConnells and Kissingers, but mainly they’re Quayles, Gaetzes, and Dubyas.

Lol notice that the Nazis and right wing terrorists haven’t been shot at yet.

As in, Chuck D? He’s a douchebag? What did he do?

Oh, I like you!

Cool, I will now treat you poorly, just to get ahead of you.

I have to wear a mask for 4 hours at a time. People are entitled candy-asses who have been softened into crybabies. Any sacrifice is a huge deal to them, no matter how minor.

We get lots of assholes at TJs. Dipshits like this say they treat people how they are treated, but the goal post *magically* moves for the customer to justify their awful personality. They do not usually do well with me.

I work at Trader Joe’s, and have for 15 years. AMA


Better that than Rusty. No one needs the “revival of beloved show” version of the Boom Broom.

We have more power than even we know. After all, where do those psychos get the power that they “have”? Just have to figure out how to take it back, and get as many people on board with taking it back.

There’s also the possibility that those Nazi fucks *did* know Breonna’s name and story, and went ahead with their ignorant Nazi foolishness. I grew up with plenty of people like that in suburban Detroit.

History will side with me, chum.

lol yeah I went through that phase, minus Icke.

Welp, there goes my day off.

That or she’s a David Icke lizard person, and the eyes are their tell.

For how rich she is, you’d think Loeffler could afford a better glass eye...then again, a glass eye would be more interesting than the rest of her combined.

Why not remake the Seventh Sign?

Axe Body Spray and incel sweat. It’s gonna be a lot of incels hoping to meet MAGA chicks before the Bidenpocalypse makes us all wear masks, submit to FEMINISM, and worship Oprah.

That’s for paid subscribers only.