
(whispered severely)

Maybe it’s just me, but does Kayleigh McEnany look like someone wearing a Kayleigh McEnany mask, but it’s on crooked?

I take them seriously.

Talk more about...”crazy town banana pants”

You misspelled “rich people”

You had me for a minute, but yep. If they want to play nice and admit their mistakes, and fucking apologize, then fine.

I essentially agree with you, but there are ways to ameliorate these problems. I lack to energy to go into them, but basically, undo the damage to our infrastructure that republicans and collaborators across the aisle have done. Better schools, better healthcare, better working conditions. Stop propping up failing and

I’m not a democrat. I hold my nose and vote democrat because I’m not a brat. If you want democrats to be inclusive, maybe have them include the actual left wing members of their own party, and people who put other people ahead of elite donors and corporate interests.

MAGA chuds don’t know facts or objective truth, they just know their weak-ass feelings. Most democrats hate “socialism” and “anarchists” too, without even knowing what those are. They’d turn on me and anyone else left of Joe Manchin. Thankfully ppl like AOC are patient enough to want to work with those democrats.

Republicans didn’t magically just stop being sniveling kleptocrat Nazis over the weekend.

Star for thee

Only for “professional” anarchists such as myself. I went pro in the 2015 draft, but only after I agreed to wear an ironic mullet and pierce my receding hairline 3x each side.

You don’t need lessons, you had the magic in you the whole time.

I do not see the connection, but I love the Captain when he’s in a tranq dart frenzy, so star for you

I’ve been saying for a while that the Secret Service very likely *hates* Trump and his idiot coterie,  for a number of reasons. I’m reasonably sure they will enthusiastically volunteer for the job.

Hahaha yeah of course the democrats took away “socialism bad” from this election. The noose is tightening around their donors’ necks, so they have to stay on-brand.

Oh, I do not think this will be anything like 2008.

It was renamed “Transgender Communists For Fourth Trimester Abortions (Pride Flag Emoji)“

My wife is a FB group junkie. She hijacked a boomer Trumper group, and told me it was stupid easy, and the dumbasses couldn’t figure out how to leave the group! They just yelled really hard in all caps. It didn’t go well during the roasting that followed. I love my wife.

Bring the rich (and their henchmen) to heel. All we need to do.