The shocking truth is he’s really only had 2 beers, that’s just how dem folks from Alabama talk
The shocking truth is he’s really only had 2 beers, that’s just how dem folks from Alabama talk
Lost me at unrelated
That’s better defense then james harden
What a bunch of vaginas, weak ass UH crowd. 50K+ fans vs 100 wanna be rental pigs. The moment those haymakers were thrown by that bitch ass guard I'm rushing, and not the field. That video disgust me
Who gives a fuck, soccer is boring!
that feeling when you here the “DONG” and the lights go out ....
Am I the only who doesn’t care about this ? SOO BOORING!!
100 + years and waiting, true fan right there
more pics more pics more pics....this is awesome!!
Now that’s how you holler at a girl, throw your balls at her
Those are def stoner eyes
He looks High my friend
“Give 3 1/2 min...maybe 4. They’ll be ready to marry a ninja”
Mark Sanchez thought it first
Love at first sight