
Chingo Bling moved to Canada ?

He made me an NBA fan for life, his off the court gestures made him a Houstonian for life.

must be his finishing move

I’m saddened by the drug abuse here, what a waste of beer .... oh yea football player hitting a woman, seen that before

I understand what your saying but to have a team sport come down to player vs goalie on penalties is sad. Hockey is the same way, Imagine basketball coming down to free throws after an OT period? Or American football be decided by field goals? Or baseball on a home run derby after the 10th inning lol. But hey I’m only

I get you but I couldn’t pay nor watch a game for 2 hrs and no one score. Pointless (literally and physically). I want to see who the better team is and to have it come down to a free kick?? Plain dumb, It’s soccer for heavens sake... play it out, Play 3 or 4 OT if you have to. Let the teams win not a player vs

Please learn to write correctly, “copa america was had 10x more talent playing” <— wtf

Finally a blowout on Japan, déjà vu ...hehe

Wrong, by the 16th min my friend 😁

Copa America was boring as fuck, semis and finals came down to bs penalties. That's why soccer sucks. Whatever happen to golden gol ?

Where you from? Because when I saw that 4th goal go in I wasn't laughing... I was applauding my friend. Those 16 min were truly impressive

Or lifting the World Cup throphy ? Just saying

Is funny and is true

Boy Astros vs Cardinals 2015 World Series would be fun to watch...Can’t wait!!

Me - Mo Money Mo Problems huh Diddy


Speak for yourself sir

Dumb, it’s a mid season record. For all you know they can win 90-100 games and that can take you to the playoffs. I agree on the fans not being that interested in the regular season but from a long time Stros fan whose endured shitty baseball the past 3-4 years ... Don’t hate, appreciate !

Or escort

...and woman.