
Come on, MF screenwriters, doesn't any one of you read the comments here? Don't you see you're running your show into the ground? Thankfully, you still have 19 episodes to fix things, so get to work.

3.8? Truly amazing. How come none of the 3 billion people who lived on earth in 1940 knew about the very existence of homosexuality? And how come it was universally considered a mental disease until 1970s?

Yep. I was also one of those who felt (and had commented here, back in the day) that "The Day We Almost" was perhaps the worst MF episode of all time, certainly one of the dozen worst.

It was a very neat joke. I laughed out loud. Although, of course, there are a number of not-completely-unknown predecessors - characters who are mute or temporarily mute and therefore have to hastily write out what they "say".

Yeah, whenever a certain business becomes profitable, EVERYONE will jump onto the bandwagon at once. Tens of thousands of LA's jobless Y.A. folks have probably already divided up all of the available promotion opportunities in the region. The competition between those "promo groups" is probably quite heady, and a

His daughter is 23 years old, has no education and still lives in his house. Instead of looking for a job she sits online all day ling like she did when she was 15. Surely you can understand at least a little bit of Phil's concern?

" post our Goldbergs, Speechless, Blackish and Middle reviews"

That was back in 3x08. Five years ago! No elaboration on this subject since then.

I wrote a lenghy review of this episode at IMDB eight hours ago, but it's still not posted. The previous one I wrote three years ago was posted within minutes. Odd.

Yeah, 45 is no 25. Besides, three children (Julie's actual kids, i mean) also make a girl look a lot less girly.

"I don't think the writers counted on the actress growing up to be so lovely".

I agree with Kyle on everything again.

Scumby probably means Aubrey Anderson, the actress who currently portrays Lily. She first appeared at the beginning of the 3rd season. Back then (in 2007) Levitan of course had no way of knowing what looks and voice Aubrey will grow up to have. Perhaps there were no cuter Asian child actresses available at the

I liked it. Maybe it's because my expectations have been sufficiently lowered by the previous awful episode, but still.

Being one of the most prolific reviewers of MF on the web or elsewhere, I'd like to say this:

maybe a scene of the band's rehearsal should have been included, in which Cam should have played the title song (how else would he have learnt it, right?), yet remain unaware of the exact lyrics. Maybe the rehearsing happened with some "older" lyrics, like the Beatles did with "Yesterday" (which was initially titled

Perhaps the worst MF episode of all time. Well, one of ten worst.

I sure hope my previous comment will eventually be displayed, because I spent hours writing it.

The Bible expressly prohibits homosexuality. Take it or leave it.

. 1) Poor Cam! Not only homosexual, a fatso and a literal clown, but also affected with a weird medical condition. Beginning to sound like a hard life.