
A reasonably funny episode. I agree with all the things Kyle praised about it: the whole bike situation was enjoyable and, as far as sitcoms go, pretty real.

. Finally an AVClub article that actually reflects what the episode was like, not what the
press-release handouts claimed the episode would be like. Thank you, Kyle Fowle. Another Kyle writing brutally honest reviews (the other one being that NY film critic, in case anyone's wondering).

Enjoyable but mechanistic (not necessarily a bad thing for a sitcom, of course, but if
noticeable, it is) and on autopilot. A firm "B".

Great one. An definite "A". Not a single facepalm or eyeroll from me.

This was perhaps the most somber and realistic MF episode to date. Is that a good or a bad thing? I honestly can't decide.

I loved it. Everything about it felt right.

Finally an episode with some actual solid LAUGHS in it. For a sitcom, Modern Family has had rather few funny episode in the last two seasons. If I had to voice the exact number, I'd say maybe four. Four funny episodes out of almost fifty.

Absolutely perfect summary of the last two seasons' problems.

Another unfunny, but extremely well-acted one. Literally everyone's acting here is perfect - even Luke and Lily (these two usually stink). Claire felt like an actual mom.

Funny one. Great Platt-O'Neill dynamic. Fantastic professionalism from Ty.

I think that Cam and Mitch are intended to be unlikeable. That wasn't always the case - but at least since Season 4 it's a definite trend: fewer and fewer things about them are presented as lovable/adorable. Their professions, hobbies, parenting skills, their ever-green apartment walls, their ethnic annoying kid -

The first episode in this season to feel more than the sum of its parts.

1) If the banjo-playing is important to Phil, and yet it annoys Claire, he shouldn't have any trouble practicing in the basement/attic. Or OUTSIDE: In California even the January and February temperature is often above 70F (+20 C). It's been the warmest L.A. winter of all time. Sit outside alone, enjoy the breeze.

Still not laugh-out funny, but at least has a few welcome things that this whole season has been lacking:

Someone complained that this episode's production values are not up to network TV
standards, that its budget must have been laughable.

"Wanna know more?"

Nice episode. Finally everyone got something to do, real issues to deal with.

All the usual MF problems here:

This episode shows what Sarah, Ariel and Jesse are capable of - we can see that Mitch can be tough, Alex can be giggly, and Haley can be intense and casual simultaneously. I have no idea why no MF screenwriter bothered to try exploring these facets of the actors/characters. There's been zero character development in

Alex is 17. Haley was 17 when she wore that white dress on Halloween in s02e06. (Note that I refer to the characters' ages, not those of the actresses.)