
I'll admit that's how I first read the comment and then lolled at my own pessimism when I noticed I had also wrongly interpreted it :P

Having worked at an airport I will go a bit further with this and confirm that the check-in agents are exactly those who do the upgrades. The ticket desk may also sometimes get involved but they're aiming to sell the more expensive tickets, not give them away. However airlines usually have strict upgrade priorities

3) Buy a Y-Up fare:

This winter France had a VAT change which applied to phone contracts which operators passed on to subscribers.

I would gladly give this a try if the caps aren't too expensive!

#corrections: ruTorrent is an rTorrent WebUI and not an application in itself. Therefore SSH is used to control rTorrent (and install ruTorrent) while HTTP is used to control ruTorrent which in turn controls rTorrent over xmlrpc-c.

While I understand it will in theory, I'd be very anxious using double sided tape to hold up a multi-hundred [insert currency] appliance on the wall. You'd have a hard time claiming it should have held if it ever falls.

Having worked as a check-in / gate agent in Europe over 4 summers I can say I have -never- heard of something like this being granted. Our security training specified that anyone in the restricted zone must either be in possession of one of the security badges or have a valid boarding pass. I wouldn't expect this

Vote: deviantArt

So you decide to go out for dinner instead of preparing it yourself, you think maybe the fridge is a bit bare, the kids are tired, hell: we're all tired. Let's go out and grab a bite to eat.

Who still uses MMS? If I need to send a file I just attach it to an e-mail. Albeit that then requires having a data phone package.

Which way is up? There's only 4 possibilities :P However numbers changing place could work, albeit annoying as you'd have to look for them everytime...

He looks depressed...

2/ Always go further than you thought you could:

Run what you want on it, know what's in it, upgrade it, do more than just be a TV Top Box, the list is endless.

When it pops up, highlight it, and press "del" (or return) on the keyboard. Voila!

Nothing like reversing safety measures :P

Constant nagging and teasing about his lateness was what we dropped back on. Sometimes he'd storm off, hang up the phone or just grumble, but he got the hint when we kept saying things like "Okay well see you guys at 8pm then! That's 5pm for you Smith."

I have many but for the sake of naming something new:

OMG YES! Combine with ctrl, shift and arrows for some serious keyboard fu