I also like John Cale and KD Lang, but I still go with the original Cohen. There’s something about an older performer singing this.
I also like John Cale and KD Lang, but I still go with the original Cohen. There’s something about an older performer singing this.
+1 proudy
Why is Jon king?
“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” — Trump, from a 1991 Esquire interview.
As a true man of the Christian faith, Greg Abbott has the courage to look a needy child in the eyes and yell, “FUCK YOU QUEER!” God bless that man.
You know the old Saudi saying: “When in Rome, blow something up.”
They still got Dahntay Jones!
Danzig’s lawn... get off of it.
Madballs FTW
+1 lifehack
“Lebron stopper? Challenge accepted.” - Delonte West
TIL - I have the tastes and gullet of a giant ground sloth.
Today’s race results:
Klay’s just taking it one cliché at a time.
If there only was a way to see that he was hurt before the start.
I’d listen to Curt - he’s an expert at losing money.
How to cook tofu (and other meat alternatives) correctly?