Odile,evil Black Swan Chick

Starvation has never been a good way to educate people on how to better themselves thru Union organising. Or had you not read History?

You must make enough to go the dentist.

I was friend with the chap who hauled the rubbish, at one of my dept store jobs. Smartest man I ever met. Like myself, erudite, autodidact. Fell thru the cracks, like me also. We used to quote philosophy, to amuse ourselves when not being abused by the entitled public servants, who came to shop and verbally spit on

Barbara Ehrenreich is a saint. She deserves a medal.

Or not have a disability. We know THOSE are God’s way of telling you you are born into original sin, and deserve it. ( Says me, who worked three jobs, had a A.A in retail, no bad habits, and still struggled to pay a shoe box, car insurance and parts to rebuild the piece of shit, when they fell out on the road.


If they admitted that the bulk of REAL entitlement, was rich corporations who pay little or no tax - well. Who exactly is feeding out of the trough? Its just a exercise in trying to distract you from the real scroungers. Oh, its all about a “ free market?” is it? Then why do these pigs get a free ride, while people

I used to work 65 hr weeks. When I discovered food stamps, for the first time ever- the fridge had something in it besides tears. ( When I opened it after my first shop, fruit came rolling out! It was like Christmas!)

Sean was the one who kept eating the insides of the pies, before stacking on the crust.

I once worked at a fast food place, that had chicken nuggets, I was so poverty stricken, despite taking home any leftovers ( usually three cups of greasy cold fries and a garage bag of salads. Go figure )- that I dreamt frequently of tank sized nuggets, rolling in on ocean waves ( my usual dream imagery.) Still

Best stay away from Australia. Oz loves beets. We force-fed them to you, on entry.

I sympathise. My own MOTHER accused me of being “ precious“ ( when requesting what choices I had with my allergies at my brothers engagement meal )just for attention. I know how to get attention ( having ADHD, previously unmedicated means I know ALL about gaining attention. I do not want any more attention in this

This is why I alway tell servers that I am allergic-( assuming I would go to out to eat, which I dont - because really, being allergic to so many things means nothing I can order that I can’t make for 95% cheaper at home )- I don’ t have a life threatening allergy to these things, just that I will have a immune system

I cannot understand this whatsoever. As a child, I enjoyed such culinary delights as mustard/mayo/bologna on cheap, soft white bread, pimento loaf and ice pops ( what cheap food dye and sugar water did to a child with ADHD I don’t even want to know. And it was ME. )

My mum put it well,” why do these children scream like that? You children NEVER did that. “ She gets very unnerved from this. Considering mum is a very BIG bipolar lady, who I have seen snap in ugly ways ( and which Warraned taking HER outside, rightfully), I am waiting for the day she breaks, and starts turning demon

Snapple. I had a summer of working at a convenience store and living on Snapple and Little Debbies. Im surprised Im alive.

I am MADE of DIET SODA. I am pure EVIL>mahahha!1


I do NOT agree. I was hit at age 14 because they had no idea my issues were from disability. Yeah, it helped me. No idea that they WERE abusive, including things that I never even had anything to do with,- led to a lifetime a further abuse from boyfriends, co-workers, roommates and a marriage with abuse from ANOTHER

Tell me about it. I was like, Im not even sure WHY your mad at me- and now your hitting me with a stick?