Odile,evil Black Swan Chick

Fried bread in butter= the best ever. I learned how to fry eggs in bacon grease on a three day pack trip on horses. Excellent- but I would kill my own mum if I could eat bread again just to make fried bread.

I had a strange goth friend, who used to joke about being one of the children who ate the school paste in kindergarten.( I never did, I ate the macaroni we glued on things.)

I like hard bread. I used to bake pre-made rolls in the oven until they were hard enough to scrub stains out of your washing.

Pigs ears-OMFG. Poor you.

AND IT WAS RAW GARLIC. Roasted garlic. What a total pansy-ass.

What a total lightweight.

Ask any nurse. How do they keep from killing people, out of well...they NEED to be?

I hate Bacon, but I love the artist. Hahaha thats hilarious!

What dimension do you currently reside in?

The joys of OCD. Want to trade? Mine means I always line up EVERYTHING ( even on other peoples desks ) perfectly with the edge.

I once tried some laundry detergent, when on some dodgy meds 20 years ago. Its was rather crunchy.

Back then, yeah. Nowdays, things like Calvin Klein's "Eternity" etc, are on the consumer's-right-to-know-list- as they have so many toxic ingredients, that they are considerably poisonous in a very bad way.

Strewth- stone the crows, some boofheads gone all poncy on us.

Yes, then feed them to me.

All of it tastes like feet! ( In that vein, how did I ever EVER love blue cheese as a child. ewwwaghhhh Id rather drink a cup of my own sick.)

To me, Brie isn't meant to be eaten at ALL. Ewwww. Slimy cheese. Give me the dried out pieces of hard cheese that had about 10 years to age, you can keep the Brie.

I eat the rinds on a particular brand of very salt Reggiano Parmigiano. Its dead hard to eat- in fact almost impossible. Like wax crossed with plastic. I always buy the pieces no one wants, that are all rinds.

I once hurt my teeth quite badly ( ached for days ) trying to eat a pencil sharpener shaped like lips- thinking it was one of those wax teeth I used to see in childhood. I was quite drunk ( a LONG time ago, alas) - so made several trys. That wasn't such a good idea.

I can't eat any grain, or rice, or corn -so I had to learn to like it. You have to boil it until the water absorbs. It has to sit in the pan, after that, with the heat off to absorb the last bits of water so its dry- like cous cows.