( Maybe add New Dr Who's Peter Capalidi's other famous series character (( from "The Thick of it " - which you will LOVE))- based on Blair's spin doctor—" Fuckety Bye Bye." )
( Maybe add New Dr Who's Peter Capalidi's other famous series character (( from "The Thick of it " - which you will LOVE))- based on Blair's spin doctor—" Fuckety Bye Bye." )
Its definite a sign of status!
You can guess who hasn't paid their dues in Hopsitality.
I enjoy Pinkham's condescension to myself. Its funny.
You REALLY haven't been on Kitchentte. Learn the Protocol! Then enjoy.
Your not a regular on Kitchentte are you? Pinkham is feisty- and we like him that way. Trust me, he's hilarious, acerbic, sharp and has a sense go humour as black as tarmac. ( He's got a heart of gold, give the chap a break.)
The Australian rail system has ben restrained somewhat, but not ruined by the car manufacturers entirely. I took a train across a state and one territory - and the seats had so much room we could sleep reasonably comfy sitting sideways.
I disagree. My grandfather worked all his life for the railroad. It declined, because the USA CAR manufacturer's had much more clout in lobbying their back pocket lollies to destroy the entire rail system as far as possible. Also, the union was quite strong and we can't have THAT can we?
I would have "accidentally" been sick, over her reclined seat's head.
He's SO predictable. Please for god's sake make something else- I mean., what happened to the interesting things we got with Eccelstone and some of Tennant? Spaceships, dinosaurs- some of us are NOT 9 year old boys- and can't they for once NOT use the plethora of victorian sets, and MAKE some new ones. They must make…
The only lizard kiss I want to see is smoking hot Capaldi plant on just about anyone, done in a enthused and highly passionate manner. ( Lizard in, he's at least old enough to have public hair- unlike the last one, and his age sits nicely on his face. ) I never fancy tellie people, but after his oh so brilliant…
Now if it was MY company, and I decided to "shop" a pic- I'd add a whole heap of interesting musculature - as if she may well work out more hours than most could have time for. Wait, make that ALIEN musculature. NOW those swimmers I'd buy!!
Yes, because I was ( ill for 12 years ) and I looked at the clothes I once fitted in and thought, I say-how ever would I fit my ( muscular ballet made ) derriere in THAT? Looks like doll's clothes!
No its more a size 4-6 depending on how its cut. ( I wear a size aus 6-12, so go figure. )
Or well loved by their mother, and wish SHE was.
So they basically want to sell swimmers on the idea that you won't want any of the marvellous muscle that may well keep you afloat. Mayhaps be why she is at the bottom of the pool.
Nice idea, but Im so flat chested, it would look like Ive got a bloody great pacemaker , or some cyborg implant. I suppose if they made one for bums, I could slab the iPod in there. Might be a bit much for ballet tho!
Palm oil harvesting is responsible for destroying orangutangs native living spaces. Better to get a jar of fresh ground nut butter from the local health food store, and dip in a nice bar of choccy. May I suggest almond butter?
The French cyclists are MAD for it. Must be tasty.