( Which being a Dr Who Fan of sorts, I am .)
I enjoy looking at people who say such twaddle, with raised eyebrows- in received BBBC tones " Of course not. Those are strictly for common people " ( in such a way, that they , being non-commonwealth thus not usually enjoying black humour, are unsure if I am being satiric.)
I would do it on chair, I would do it near a bear, I would do it high or low- I would do It yes, well-so
Im a very petite small woman. Ive noticed sitting in airline seats, men tend to let their legs loll over touching mine- which being a "non-touched" person, I hate. ( Don't hug me in public, don't touch my shoulder when you talk to me ect.)
Tidy whiteys, In my opinion are a thing of terribleness. I wear board shorts ( Im a chick ) on the bottom half myself. The speedo is not the most attractive thing, but I just think its unfair to make guys wear giant expanses of cloth just to swim.
Ok how about this, a jalapeño infused, savoury donut- maybe with a cheese filling?
Im allergic to donuts.:( Now do you see why Im so bitter?!
:P ——-*
Im actually vegetarian, thus the enemy.
Im going to be sick.
Thats reassuring. No ones actually complained.
There is a cat that lives at my house ( my housemates ) - the sweetest, loveliest cat. She was rescued by my housemate, obviously feral ( he had to tame her slowly, which was good as it turned out she needed thyroid medication and almost died.) She is some kind of rag doll mix, and does the funniest floppiest rolling…