Odile,evil Black Swan Chick


You are awesome.

DFW- referral


He would agree.

this is us- as long as you don't mind that Im most definitly Ren. ( Small, scrawny, evil.)

Less bandwidth.

Im a chick, so I have to borrow all mine. And they are all far far away at the moment, so cartoons are looking pretty good to me right now!LOL

Happy Happy Joy joy!

( Oh god, please let me never find out, if they do. )

Maybe they do!( Screams.) Never feel stupid around me, I have ADHD and Ive taken the proverbial cake in my time before meds.

So bad, its good.!

Waist training corsets. And possibly, considering the pics below- removal of ribs. wwww


Yes, because they come out of your ass- not your throat.


I was afraid ( still am) to walk on grass that I know animals have used for a loo, because of worms.

I had out and out screaming nightmare for weeks after making a tree of life on the animal kingdoms, and discovering the world of parasites. Plus reading Thor Heyerdahls book on making reed rafts in Africa- and Bilharzia. :(

I need bunnies. ( By the Butters, best name ever, LOL)