Odile,evil Black Swan Chick

One of the WORST eating experiences ever.

She's a sex cam worker, is she?

Well He does make some mighty fine frozen food!

Its not surprising. I think he's done a massive amount of searching. Took him some time. Recent info., too.

OK, I will get the links ( but it is from my madly political ex, so prepare for some heavy shit. He's reliable, but Ive been too busy ( despite hour lectures I get every single night after I get home, and slump like a zombie in front of the comp .)

Christ, what kind of propaganda is your media putting out?

Worse than that. I had not much knowledge of the lives of moths, and subsequently being very nearsighted, failed to see that some had been breeding in some tupperware filled containers. On eating, it tasted, well- pretty bitter. A closer look revealed that at least 1/4 of said substance was now entirely moth eggs.

Mark is a genius at moments.

Cysts- tea tree oil compress. Works on blockages.

"This photo represents all of the sadness and despair that has ever existed in the hearts of men since the beginning of time."

Whats with the maggot casserole?

This food is shows why so many people are ugly

"PUT US BACK IN THE OVEN SO WE CAN DIE"- oh god. Pinkham, I love you.

I can die happy now, seeing that

Im old enough to recall when women had some specific windows they were allowed to relax and escape the "Hottie" cycle and actually just not give a shit.

Your a cretin. You think us woman can't think for ourselves, and are automatically brainwashed by magazines? Get real. Give us some credit. The so called feminists that airbrushed the acceptable cannon of "right thinking " females were ( and still are ) totally ascetic. Which means any woman who blazerd a trail in

Likewise Australia. I recall, in my first year here- I turned on the telly to have a look at the Parlimentary debates ( better than world wide wrestling!) and was confronted with a pair of giant naked tits, off a piped in Brit program.

Im all for eating healthy, antioxidants, vitamins ( ortho-molecular nutrition ), exercise ( I move stuff around all day, dressing mannequins, walking miles in the shop) ) then run to ballet, and run back to bus ( about 1.5 km ), basically ADHD keeps me moving until I drop. Ballet is so damn hard, burns off lunch in

That stuff is great for constipation. Your entire guts fall out, in one ginormous gush. Truly evil.