Odile,evil Black Swan Chick

I know, because I spent half of my life on diets ( now Im a whippet thin ballet dancer, after a serious period of road cycling, 18 years of gym attendance, numerous periods of fasting, starving while living in poverty, and certificate 3 in gym instruction.

Want to lose weight and eat like a pig? Go google the Dukan Diet ( not for vegans ). Ive tried it. You can eat 12 chickens, 4 gallons of skim milk, 20 tubs of non fat yogurt, and a whole cow- and still lose fat ( while gaining muscle. That man is a genius. LOVE him.

The best part about loving black liquorice, is everyone else hated the black jelly beans, thus more for moi.

If you put jolly rancher sticks by a heater, your could soften them up enough to make a fake retainer for the roof of your mouth. And talk like Joan Cusak. ( I love her speech impediment.)

Wax bottles. Filled with what I might guess is industrial run-off from various chemical plants.

Giant chewy sweet tarts. Better than drugs. or sex. I'd kill nana's for those.

My clearest memory of skittles is eating them, while being driven up a mountain to go skiing, in the back of pickup truck.

The only good part of warheads are the coating. In fact, I thought they never reached at sour factor that was high enough. Ideally, ones hair should stand on end and face should be sucked into a gradually forming black hole of one's mouth until your head turns inside out.

I used to be given Necco's as a "treat" as a small child. I seriously wondered WTF was wrong with adults, that they would feed me what seemed to be compressed chalk dust flavoured with medicine. The liquorice ones were my fav but even so, I thought they were VILE.

Oh MY GOD! I LOVE THAT STUFF. A atrocity. Diabetes in a box. I swear, who do I have to kill to get rid of my multiple food allergies ( grain, rice, corn, sugar, chocolate, nuts ) in order to find this and order enough to last until my ( premature ) death by diabetes? Id die happy, I swear.

I'd say " sugar flavoured sand, covered with brown wax. Explodes upon biting into, leaving remnants in your couch/car/clothes for the next millennium.

This article has the most brilliant descriptions Ive EVER read about shit lollies. "On the minus side, they appear to be flavorless ropes of congealed and colorized tooth plaque. " You should get a award for this.

No one ever mentions ( e.g. Big Pharma who won't make money from this) that a combo of ; Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Soy and Chaste tree- means no mood swings, no bloating, no breats issues, no pain and almost to no, cramps. Full Stop ( Usana has it in a tablet called "Phytelle" and although its expensive, worth its