
Actually, I only realized now that Phoebe isn't wearing a hat. That's just her hair. Which leads me to the realization of just how fast and loose they played with head shapes on that show. But, I wouldn't call any of it "bad", especially considering how iconic the term "football head" is.

Additionally, Devon Ave. became what it is now largely due to the Patel Bros grocery store. It's hard to believe that Devon used to be a normal neighborhood, and it all changed because of a grocery store that is smaller than a CVS and probably even smaller back then.

To be fair, she was often the dumpee, and even as a dumper, was quite reluctant.

He also has a much better luck with women, while Chandler and Ross both did it out of desperation.

Then, I am in complete disagreement. Of course, Indian and Pakistani cuisine are different region to region and different from each other, so that could be the reason behind the inconsistency. But as a Pakistani-American living few miles away from Devon Ave., I really don't see what you're talking about. I mean, Taco

That's contradictory. If you know where to look, then you've found the numerous traditional South Asian restaurants, and have no reason to complain that they don't exist. I guess, I can only speak for where I live, which is Chicago. But, your statement is still contradictory.

That's not really true for Indian food. Not in America, at least. They haven't been Panda Express'd yet. You just don't know where to look.

Yea, but whose to say which one is the correct way to use the term?

Meat variations of Indian dishes were definitely not originated by immigrants in Britain. That would be the Muslim population in India. I would say the same for the soup-like consistency of many of the dishes. Its not a British thing. Sure, Chicken Tikka Masala is Britain's "curry" version of a dry dish, but that's

Sure, if by "Donna", you mean, and you do mean, a person who takes care of business sides of things. You can go to school to be a donna. But, this Donna, whose value you and Cameron have grossly simplified, can handle a difficult and moody Cameron for couple of years, is an expert and an innovator in "computer shit",

How about we take everything we heard at face-value and not psycho-analyze them and then pass off our theories as facts? You said that he quit his job like it was an actual fact.

I don't know why you can't believe that. Clearly, the quality wasn't a concern for anyone involved. Its not a exactly a good show. Then, the man returned with an even worse show and did 90 episodes in 2 years. And the writing on Two and a Half Men hadn't exactly improved at that point . SO, why would he want to come

Sheen didn't want out. He just couldn't handle success, so he spun out of control and pissed off his bosses and got fired. He actually wanted to return and even proposed that a spin-off/sequel called The Harpers be setup in the last episode. And they responded by dropping a piano on his character. And that was after

I suggest you remove the last line so people who have yet to read your post have a shot at taking you seriously. You had me right until you made the laziest point you could make.

Not just due to inbreeding. Its called "humanity's cruelest mistake" for a reason.

Someone needs to break the news to him before he accidentally discovers Fear the Walking Dead in its place. Poor fool.

That's exactly what she was for the longest time. But, there is some humbleness to Hannah Simone's demeanor this season. It wasn't there before.

Hey I got an idea for a sequel: the gang finds out that Columbus was behind the virus all along in his twisted and convoluted plan to take revenge by banging his best friend's girlfriend because he sued him for attempting to cheat him out of a very successful company they built together.

"The Even Couple".

I would think that Regis' gig as a Who Wants to be a Millionaire host would have been more relevant to the joke, but mentioning of its current host would probably break the show.