
Don't you mention The Cape!

I found her lack of expressiveness to be frustratingly close to real life. I am sure we were all wondering who she was going to get with. And in most other shows or movies, you'd see the answer on the chick's face. You know, some kinda flustered or flirty look every time he is in. But here, pretty far into the season,

But a comb-over is, and that's what that is..

Whoever said that is likely referring to the male lead character who thinks he is too good to be working at the store, just like Jeff in Community.

As a hetreosexual male, I will say, even with glasses, Johnny Galecki was pretty good looking dude before he got chubby. I only just realized the irony of him being better-looking then Kaley.

Yea, I am sorry too if I seemed dismissive of your opinion. It wasn't my intention.

That's how Andy was introduced. As a nanny (or a " MANny" which bugged the real Manny) and a trainer for Delgado-Pritchetts. But, since then, he has become a supporting character for the Dunphys instead, and we no longer see him interact with Manny, or even Jay and Gloria for that matter.

I'll agree with you on all parts not concerning Haley. I think Haley's maturity was independent of Andy, at least partially, and their will-they-won't-they relationship is pretty tiring, as these things are. On the other hand, the effect you think he's had on Haley is the kind of effect I was hoping he'd have on Jay

Not to mention the last week's episode where Reuben brags about his hickies to Luke, which were likely given to him by Alex, as we later find out.

Man, that's a lot of free HBO.

We only saw Silicon Valley in TSN very briefly. And little what we saw didn't really contradict what we see in the show.