
The problem is the uncharacteristically clunky writing. One of the episodes from last season made me think that the writers of the show were these super-sensitive people who understood their parents' perspectives unusually well. But not only did they neglected to see their point-of-view and to show the gravity of

I see your confusion. It must be the skin complexion Simba and your guy share (right up to the the white area around the eyes). But, to me, he reminds me of another Disney king:

Doesn't everyone use their left hand for that kind of porn and right hand for the more incestuous stuff? That can't be only me.

Maybe, not "shitton". You'd probably want him to make it to his next birthday.

Damn, its effective? Already? That was fast. What did Trump say?

Bold for sure. Reminding him of his shortcomings is likely going to make him focus on the wrong parts of the message.

You can't be more clever than morality. Its a concept, not a person with an intellect.

That didn't seem like advertisement or news.

Now, you know one, or at least of my existence.

Aah, we could call it the "Ventimiglio curse" if that happens.

Possible legal implications is actually a pretty logical concern. That's not to say that wasn't just a front for Rebecca's insecurities. Because they could have tried to find out where they stand legally, and what rights Willim would have over Randall, and how they could strengthen their legal claim over Randall if it

That WAS out-of-nowhere and seemingly unearned, but was there to make us fear for him and feel bad when the twist in the end happened. Should've seen it coming.

Seeing how Tahani claimed that she did the things Sean Parker actually did in real life, like telling Zuckerberg to oust Saverin and drop the "the" from "The Facebook", maybe, she is "Sean" in disguise.

Seeing how Tahani supposedly did the things Sean Parker actually did in real life, maybe, she is "Sean", Michael's boss, in disguise.

Eleanor could likely see what Janet had behind her. It would've been funnier if both Eleanor and the audience were in on the joke.

As if entirely avoiding the subject is going to do them any favors. If you claim that a character's main language is Senegalese-French, but is played by someone who isn't, then you're going to get complaints either way. An unconvincing accent will get them flak from those who speak the language. A complete avoidance

Your explanation gave me an idea: they could've actually gotten around it by giving him a french accent in the flashbacks.

Sometimes the OP is so vague that people don't see the joke, so the guy who spells it out gets the credit. There needs to be a word for that. Its also possible that that's what you were vaguely implying, and I am the guy spelling it out. Thankfully, we have a word for that: irony.
Also, those upvotes were probably for

I also like how this show isn't just using their dumb guy to burn off easy jokes like sitcoms often do, you know, like Joey from Friends.

Its clearly a cutout of a muscular body pasted on top of Arnold's picture. Which is still pretty weird. And how she got hold of his pictures in this pre-Facebook era is also a mystery.