Ocular Patdown

The Panamera is an interesting vehicle. Sure the specs are great and it performs as well, but I can’t bring myself to like it no matter how hard I try. It’s like they just added some length and a door to a 911 then went to lunch.

I’ve noticed that smoothies are better with the personal cup attachment. It turns the blades into a standard style blender rather than a glorified food processor. Still, we’ve been very happy with it overall as well.

I’ve noticed that smoothies are better with the personal cup attachment. It turns the blades into a standard style

So basically when nobody buys it, it’s not because it’s a hydrogen car, but because it’s ugly?

NOTICE: If you travel with a Pelican Case the TSA will definitely go through it. I know this because they searched mine every time I used it. So hide your embarrassing things in another bag.

NOTICE: If you travel with a Pelican Case the TSA will definitely go through it. I know this because they searched

Am I asking too much when I say the dog at least deserves a pillow?

I coached little league soccer for a number of years and I can confidently say that parents are the worst part of coaching any sport.

How much will that cost to replace should it be cracked? Not taking insurance coverage into account.

The frustration from that game may kill you quicker than the vaping.

So basically they just ruined the front end.


I love this picture, it’s beautiful, but for some reason it makes me sad. Perhaps it’s the colors, season, and dilapidated look of everything.

A friend in college had one of these and treated it like absolute shit. Never had the roof up, seats ripped, and a giant hole in the floor where you could see the ground.

When you stand, does it uh...”pancake” out?

Fighting in Canada? For shame!

I heard a lot of people say this, but I personally like the way it looks.

I want to live in this and make it a camping RV.

I’ve secretly always wanted one of these with some off-road tires.

Well to be fair, this was filed to BONERS.

I agree, Chows are mean as hell. When I was a kid I was invited to a friend’s house. Upon my arrival at the front door, I was greeted by what looked like a cute dog that then proceeded to shred my ankles.