
If only there were warning signs that R. Kelly was not a good person prior to today!!!! It's not like he married a teenage Aalyiah or uh filmed himself having sex with and urinating on a teenage girl.

I think it's worth noting (if no one else has already) that Nicaragua declined the agreement because they didn't believe it did ENOUGH for climate change. Not because they believe it's a Chinese conspiracy.

Unpopular opinion: half of "There Is Nothing Left To Lose" is really great. Don't care for their other stuff though (minus the first two).

Making History was kind of alright. Son of Zorn was pretty terrible!

This seems faker than anything that's ever been faked.

Yeah, it's got an almost improvisational tone.

Is he suggesting that he is a music snob but not into 90's hip-hop? Because those two ideas do not jibe with me.

Beyonce (and I guess her army of producers?) has 22 Grammys. It's going to get to the point where if they don't immediately hand her over every Grammy in every category, and then rename the Grammys the Beyonces, a bunch of goofs are going to call them racist.

Cool, can't wait until everyone who loses and their families start boycotting the Grammys because they're a bunch of fucking babies.

Stevens' "Was Dog A Doughnut" actually ended up becoming a hip-hop song. KMD sampled it for their "Nitty Gritty" remix, which is amazing.

"Though I really have zero idea how pets react to the deaths of owners in real life."

I often hear about what a genius Beyonce is, but then you hear that it took three people (none of which include Beyonce) to craft one of her most famous lines.

"That said, even the biggest video-game fan has to admit that being the background score to a first-person slaughter may not be the preferred medium for serious musicians."

Gotta agree with everyone else here: Elvira seems like the best. This was a fun read.

I noticed how much they focused on her ass in the preview and then I realized it's not even a great ass.

"transforming social media into a truly bizarre blend of people outraged about police violence against black people in America, and folks wandering around their neighborhoods, snapping pictures of the Blastoise they found at their local Starbucks."

This column can be great - to me, at least - when it involves funny people. Funny people ragging on shitty songs is a fun read, even if they misinterpret it… because they're still funny in the process. This brings nothing to the table.

Wait.. is it not okay for white directors to make biopics based on black people? The rules of "cultural appropriation" are very weird and seem very unnecessary.

I really didn't care that they were all female, or that Leslie Jones wasn't a scientist or whatever, but that they included a "THAT'S GOTTA HURT!" joke.

The game explains it away by saying they are in their respective homes, via satellite.