Octopus Out of Control

I like this, but can we imagine Mike Love saying this to Lebron James while cuddling in bed with him and smoking a cigarette because Mike Love just spent the night pounding Lebron's ass. Then when Lebron gets mad Mike Love could say, "I thought you were my bitch" and Lebron would be like, "NOT ANYMORE. We had

Nah. The media is dumb and likes narratives instead of reporting facts, like the fact that poor whites actually voted for Clinton over Trump and black and Latinos and such make up more of the working class than white people do. And the Dems are a completely fucking worthless party that would rather suck wealthy donor

Did you see that White House concert where Aretha was a bitch to Patti Labelle in front of everyone and didn't even participate in the group song honoring Tina Turner because Beyonce once called Tina "queen" and Aretha found that disrespectful?
Her hating ass was probably psychologically tormenting all of those other

Ugh, she never pooped on the floor. That was a different person.

He is kind of a goober. : )

Reality tv gave us New York from Flavor of Love, so for that, it will always be a good thing.

Wasn't Salute Your Shorts more of a 1992 thing?

One of those porno series which takes place on a van, where they blindfold the guy and tell him he is having sex with a woman, but then they take of the blindfold and it is actually a guy but the guy winds up enjoying himself anyway.

NO. I just like scandalous gossip. Lena Dunham's boyfriend is gay.

I watched one of the episodes of her show and it wasn't bad. She's not as annoying as Amy Schumer or that Samantha Bee, who is literally the worst. She just seems kind of super narcissistic and prone to navel-gazing. Amy Schumer doesn't annoy me that much either to be honest. Even Kim Kardashian I don't get the hatred

If you share another story like this again, you have to get info like dick size and quirky sex stuff or whatever.

Did you half-brother enjoy the sex or what?

Zak, I like your style.

Kiss is worse than Journey. At least the people in Journey seem like relatively nice people off stage and they are not Gene Simmons.

She should divorce him to be honest. She is married to a guy who is fighting for segregation. If she was a good person, she would.

The lead singer of Smashmouth

Can we force Samantha Bee to move back to Canada? Take Ted Cruz with her too?

Bernie would have won.

I hate all of those bands you mentioned except for New Order.

Tupac was a rapist.