Octopus Out of Control

I find him creepy but also sexy, like identical twins that do each other.

Putin is the least of our problems in 2017. : )

That's a good movie. Did you tell them that there were karate fights with furniture? I mean, that should sell itself right there.

Putin just hacked the DNC, maybe. He didn't hack the hearts of white people in Kentucky.

As a Native American, I can tell you that the Scientology stuff is fucked up but still not as bad as those boarding schools the US gov and (Canadian gov) put Native Americans in that were ran by the Christians (mostly Catholic) up until the 60s and 70s. You need to read some of a few survivor's testimonies. Look up

They don't even pronounce the "r" at all and just call it "gay." It is hard to understand. Why are they calling this person gay or that thing gay? That's of course if you can even understand what they are saying, considering the amount of "ya's" and "eh's" they intersperse throughout their conversations.

Chairman Mao is actually good.
Hitler is bad, I'll give you that.

When Pizzagate started, I was like "FUCK YEA!!!"
A stupid, fairly homophobic conspiracy theory about pedophilia taking place at pizza places?

Look up Natalie Wood plus Kirk Douglas

Internet gossip that I now take at face value as fact.

They're dead, they didn't move to Boulder Colorado.

Also ISIS suicide bombers!!!

You know who else believed in an afterlife?

Kirk Douglas can suck it.

Perhaps most people in Aleppo are glad that the fighting is over.

I only like the RPGs where you can gay marry a lizard man from like another dimension. Can you gay marry demons in Diablo?

In the upper peninsula, they spell it "greigh."

2016 has been pretty great. Remember when that guy shot and killed Christina Grimmie while singing at a concert. Any other year, that would be like "Holy shit, this guy just killed this singer on stage, that is fucked up." However, the next day, some guy committed the worst mass shooting in modern American history.

ABC just calls it the Bachelor.

Wendell Pierce: Well, I just showed my ass on twitter, HOWEVER and NONETHELESS, I am still offended.