Octopus Out of Control

Then why get mad at him? He apparently has a really bad drinking problem. He's probably sad in real life.

Jimmy Fallon is not the reason why Trump won the presidency guys.

It wasn't that they missed who turned up, it was that they missed who didn't turn up: poor people.

My life is so wonderful. I am so rich and attractive and I am having sex with my hot wife after I go home from cheating on her by having sex with my hot girlfriend who doesn't know that I am also cheating on her with my hot secretary. Sucks to be you losers. SAD!!!!

I don't get this complaint. Gosling has been in two movies this year and last year he was in like one movie and that was after like a two year absence. He is not really that prolific.

Good idea, but instead of both girls, have them be one boy and one girl, then have them fall in love, and then like at the end, reveal that they are both trans played by transgender actors, except hide the fact they are trans in real life until the movie premieres.
This will accomplish a few things:
1.) Piss off the

Na. He is funny as fuck and likable in the Nice Guys.

Ugh, I think you are thinking of John Mulaney.

Shut up. I am Native American and I want you to say this to my face!!!

You are everything that is wrong with America.
Well, besides the racism, and the greed, and the war mongering, and the stupid idiotic doomsday religions, and the right wing militia movement, and the state of Indiana, and the nostalgia for terrible television shows like Saved by the Bell, and perhaps Madonna too. She

Yes, I think that's what it means. Kind of like how the parental advisory stickers made music cooler back in the day. The pilgrims made witches seem cool and sexy and that is why…

Wait, you want Avclub to get rid of the most "overrated" category because Donald Trump won the presidency?

Has anyone called her April Latrine before?

Not really because you are wrong about me being a bigot.

LOL. You mad?

This is you, "Blah, blah, blah, blah."

Avril Lavigne!!! God I couldn't remember her name. It was killing me guys. That's it. She's the one. People say Megan Trainor is bad, but Avril is puketastic.

I personally disagree with most of you guys. Movies have gotten considerably more mediocre in the past decade and a half. I don't know if this youtube video does a good job explaining that shit tho.

Big ups for my homeboy Sinclair Lewis. <3

Nah. That had a scene where a polar bear ripped the jaw of another polar bear.