Octopus Out of Control

Hmmm… I don't know man. It does seem like both sides in this conflict are assholes and either way Syria will be fucked.
At least, with the Syrians taking over Aleppo, the fighting in Aleppo will stop and there will be more stability.

They'd start calling him a pedophile, eh. I kind of hope she loses to Adele just for the meltdowns.

I think they wouldn't have been able to pull that crap with David Bowie. Too many people look to him as a legend. Her album really is critically acclaimed though. I didn't really like it that much because I think she should dump Jay Z.

Jennifer Lawrence needs to check herself. Native Hawaiians believing in sacred rocks is a lot less stupid than Jennifer Lawrence believing she can act.

I read this wrong and now see that you wrote "ascending" instead of "descending." Sorry, your math checks out.

They give more fucks than Jennifer Lawrence's ass tho.

I am faving this comment because I like your user name/ profile pic.

Untitled Cloverfield Kelly Reichardt movie: story of an alcoholic school teacher (played by Michelle Williams) who, while hiking through a state park, meets an enigmatic elderly woman bathing nude with whom she eventually shares an intimate conversation about her crumbling marriage, her fear of being left alone, her

Toy Story

I don't.

I liked the Halloween episode they did last year.

I only watched the first couple of youtube videos to be honest. I liked that youtube video series "Precious Plum" and would probably watch that if it became a television show, also Got 2Be Real but not that stupid Barbie one.

I thought the whole point of this series was to see hoity toity historians and professors and such get smashed, not comedians and such?

By that token we could say that 2008 was worse than 2016 because Trumpism is in part a response to the fact that the country still hasn't recovered from the financial collapse. Or you could go back to the year NAFTA was signed or even when Bill Clinton was elected, because Trumpism grew because the Democrats

I don't get why, I as an American, should feel bad about Brexit. I thought it was entertaining when it happened.

If Trump is able to really fuck things up, then I might agree with you, but September 11th was the reason why we have this giant security state, of which, rogue elements kind of fucked over Clinton for their own reasons. Trump can still be resisted if the Dems don't roll over and let him walk all over them.

Hey, I voted against Rick Snyder.

That is true. Still, California is not getting Michigan's water. It can take its thirsty ass elsewhere.

It is bad that he is in power, but it took 9/11 to give Bush the kind of power he has, and Trump is not a well-liked president, so let's hope there is not another 9/11.

It's not a matter of if. It is going to happen, and when it does happen, I hope Michiganders are willing to go to war over their water because fuck California.