Octopus Out of Control

Hillary Clinton wasn't go to do shit about that pipeline. You are delusional if you think she was.
Also, Hillary's basic value as an influence is to grift money from rich people and than lose to an utter joke of a buffoon of a candidate. Susan Sarandon can at least win things when it counts. She's got an Oscar baby.

So NODAPL Is an imaginary issue?
As a Native American, please tell me how that is an imaginary issue?

California is absolutely fucked when it comes to climate change. LA especially. The drought they are supposed to get is supposed to be epic. Northern California will need to cut off the dead weight that is Southern California. Perhaps they should think about building some sort of wall to keep the Southern Californians

So you are mad at her for having an active sex life with attractive and wealthy thirtysomething men? She is better than you. Come back to me when you film a threesome with Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie. Oh wait, you can't.

California would be absolutely fucked if it seceded because it is going to be all desert in thirty years. California can fuck itself. And, no, Illinois and Minnesota ain't going to come with you guys. Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan are going to give ourselves to Canada when the time comes.

I don't know why the Nazis killed them since they all look like six foot tall sexy Swedish people with long flowing blonde hair.

Television producer: Tell us how being in this plantation makes you feel race wise or whatever.
The one black guy chef: Dude, I am just trying to make hamburgers here.

Not Antarctica. Not unless you count the race of technologically advanced humanoid inter-dimensional beings that used to live under the ice that the Nazis killed.

That's good. They can make pork chimichangas at the ICE detention center.

Corey Feldman makes music because Michael Jackson touched him in a very special place.

Today we are at Wounded Knee Creek to make pork chimichangas!!!

I remember the few months after September 11th, and that was way worse than Donald Trump becoming president. Even the months after the financial crash were pretty bad too. At least we didn't have a giant 200000+ dead natural disaster destroying a country like Haiti or Indonesia. Hell, not even a Katrina either.

I am sorry, but you liberals need to get off of Susan Sarandon's dick.

Is Manchester by the Sea just a bunch of white people with New England accents crying and shouting at each other? Margaret was just about an annoying New York City brat yelling at people. That movie should have ended with her getting a shotgun blast to the face.

The best supporting category for actress is pretty barren. Lily could absolutely make it in the race if she gets a few more critic wins.

When I wanted to do the rape scene, I explained to [Mara Lorenzio] that I was going to hit her and rape her. There was no emotional relationship between us, because I had put a clause in all the women's contracts stating that they would not make love with the director. We had never talked to each other. I knew nothing

All the Young Dudes shouldn't have moved to Oakland because Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks.

They have a google doc with names pulled from family and friends looking for their loved ones at the facebook event page, and it has 37 names.

So I am looking pictures up of this Oakland Ghost Ship online and, y'all, it was clearly a death trap. There was a bunch of clutter everywhere, and it was all wood.

This is really easy:
Khia-My Neck, My Back