
Yes. Thank you!

Well, the quietly excellent 2015 Assassin’s Creed game mostly works on Ubisoft’s new system.

I’m hoping this is square doing a trial run before a similarly approached Chrono Trigger remake/remaster.

Ya’ll, I just really don’t like masterwork cores.

If you spend $800 on that thing, you can fucking put BATMAN in it if you like.

Everyone I know who has no idea who Peter Cushing is or that he’s dead had no idea that it was CG. Whereas quite a few people found Leia unnerving (I keep hearing the term “doll”), but I honestly think they forget she was an anime-eyed, heavily-rouged, round-faced teenager in the first film. Honestly, both looked

I have the weirdest boner

I put it to you that getting to bring Huey Lewis up conversationally on a balmy Thursday morning is definitively relaxing.

I’m sorry, but that logo is just way too goatse for me to take seriously. It looks like a whimsical fart peeking out of someone’s gaping O-ring, especially the way the circle is made up of red colored film that looks way too much like sphincter muscle.


It was somewhat ironic that last night i visited kotaku for what i thought was going to be a short session of light reading before bed but instead found myself up far later than i intended having read a long(ish) artical about a fantastic game that itself has on many occasions kept me awake long after I should have

This was an excellent article, good job Jason Schreier.