Yes. Thank you!
Well, the quietly excellent 2015 Assassin’s Creed game mostly works on Ubisoft’s new system.
I’m hoping this is square doing a trial run before a similarly approached Chrono Trigger remake/remaster.
Ya’ll, I just really don’t like masterwork cores.
For years now, the latest console generation has been coasting on the idea that more raw power means better games.…
Live from New York, it’s Snacktaku, featuring special guest Cecilia D’Anastasio. Watch us drink Starbucks’ Pokémon…
If you somehow missed SpaceX’s amazing Falcon 9 rocket landing live earlier this month, or missed it in 4k, or…
One would think an easter egg that involves eating delicious-looking cake would have been uncovered within the first…
Yoichi Wada, who used to run Square Enix, has chimed in, giving his opinion on how Konami has allegedly been…
This is the same set up as the e3 booth.
After weeks of silence over rumors about Hideo Kojima’s employment and the deletion of P.T. from the Internet,…
A new set of amiibos went on sale yesterday at GameStop, and it was a disaster. They’re already sold out. One day…
It was somewhat ironic that last night i visited kotaku for what i thought was going to be a short session of light reading before bed but instead found myself up far later than i intended having read a long(ish) artical about a fantastic game that itself has on many occasions kept me awake long after I should have…
This was an excellent article, good job Jason Schreier.