
In theory, I love that they clipped the frame rate to bring the animation style to life, but seeing it in practice I don’t know if I’ll be able to play much in the costume without feeling the sense of lag I’m getting from these videos. I’m beyond pumped for smooth, consistent 60 fps while I’m thwipping around manhattan

To be fair, this really doesn’t show everything that went into these shots - this is just a comparison of pre-vis and the final shot, which is like showing me two slices of bread and telling me it’s the world’s best sandwich.

I college once I was in a band named Funky Discrepancy

How does this breathe new life into the cantina scene? These are shots, angles and iconic moments that we’ve seen ad nauseum. I understand they want to celebrate iconic moments but as a SW diehard i’m sick of them recycling the same moments over and over again.

That said, Germain - love your work :)

I teared up a little.  This scene is so powerful.

FYI, typo in the 2nd image caption “Joe Cornish on the set of The King Who Would Be King, along with Louis Serkis and Tom Taylor.” King is used twice, should be Kid, not King. 

See also: Eraserhead

> Puts on round, classic-era dish

Amen - great read. More designer spotlight by Jason, plz.

Absolutely incredible. Anyone know sauce on that song in the first vid?

Current team member here. We totally get where you're coming from. Always room for improvement as the line evolves!

It costs $80.”

Oh, and the shoulder stock is gone, unfortunately.

Heyo - Andy Ochiltree from BOOMco here. Not sure how this product sizzle was leaked, but it’s over a year old. That said, it is pretty representative of the final product. The final has a blue deco (which is cooler imo) and some other aesthetic tweaks but is almost the same as this. I'm really proud of this lean, mean

I love pixel art, but I’m officially over this format.

While you’re waiting in all those longs, might as well swing by the Mattel booth for Halo blasters:

I saw the game today at E3 and it looks pretty rough.

Hey Andrew - thanks for the coverage! A limited quantity of the blasters will also be sold on TRU.com after SDCC, fyi.