
Nah man, that’d be cyberpunk as fuck. I’d just recommend completely rewiring the car so you don’t have to worry about the constant Lucas-brand smoke.

The person that'd fight you over that one is themselves the mad man. As you are taking a left for dead Espirit and making it a car again. I'd just hope Lucas wouldn't be paying you a visit.

Looks like something out of Blade Runner. Find one just like it and ignore Onychomys, it looks perfect for a sci-fi electric vehicle.

No, what? What? That yellow is perfect!

If I had the moneys, I would’ve totally bought and converted it to an EV. YES, YES I WOULD, FIGHT ME.

GM seems to have a history of pretending to be serious about EVs and then not actually being serious about them.

This is exactly what I hope to do one day to my truck. It is my most cherished possession and I want to drive it forever.

Assuming you buy everything made in America? They never do any bad things....

You want a car with only the PARTS made in China, but assembled in the USA/Germany/Japan, right?

Dodge needs a crystal pentastar shifter. you might get blinded by rainbows depending on the suns level in the sky, but hey it is a major Gee-Whiz feature to brag about.

I will be happy to go on record that I think this is one of the top 5 best looking cars of this decade.

Now playing

Are you telling me this is a pumped-up Kick?

I’m just sad Mergio Sarchionnes wasn’t here to see his dreams come true.

In heaven, the electronics are Japanese, the suspension is German, the bodywork Italian, the interior French, and it’s sold at American prices.

Hellcat-powered 2CV (Duex Cheveux “Le Chat Démon”) confirmed for 2023.

So the only two single people left in the bar at last call have decided to hook up. Truly a love story for the ages.

I’m in the parts business and have many local dealers that are great Customers, both for their pre-owned vehicles as well as same-brand Customer cars. And even with the great relationships we have, we still occasionally have to deal with shit like a dealer claiming independent/aftermarket parts are automatically

This is going to be too far down to get attention but I have to speak my piece.

I am gonna miss this thing.

That’s my argument, and always will be. What if I lose power over night? What if a breaker trips because there is moisture in my charging port? What if my state decides to cut power for safety reasons?